Part Ten

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"Oh. My. Fucking. God."

"Yeah, I know right?" Trixie says, pulling Katya into a tight embrace, "this just feels so surreal."

The three girls have retreated to the master bedroom to watch some well earned TV.

Katya pulls Saffron up in between her and Trixie and she wraps her arms around both the adults, pulling them into a family hug. "I'm so happy!" Saffron squeals excitedly, still clinging onto both women with no intention of ever letting go. "Me too Saffy, me too." Trixie replies softly, running her long fingers through Saffron's still slightly damp hair.

Katya is suddenly swarmed with an ineffable feeling of love being shared between the three of them. "Kid, will you go to another room and play for a minute whilst me and mummy talk?" She whispers in Saffron ear. She nods and Katya kisses her on the forehead before letting her down onto the floor.

"Hey, what's up?" Trixie says as soon as Saffron shuts the door, a concerned look suddenly painted across her face. "Nothing to worry too much about, красотка." Katya replies, rubbing soothing circles into Trixie's forearm. "Although I did want to ask you something." She continues. "You can ask me anything. I've told you this before." Trixie says, slowly getting nervous.

"Calm down, моя красота. I just wanted to know if what you said earlier was true." Katya says quickly, rushing to say what she needed before she lost the courage. "You know, about me moving in here."

Trixie's face falls blank. "Well, the problem is I've only ever let my girlfriend's live here before." She says monotonously. Katya's face sinks visibly as Trixie speaks. "Which is why I have to say this." She continues. "But you have to promise not to laugh." She says, pointing a long nail at Katya.

"I would never!" Katya chuckles, holding her hand up defensively. "Alright." Trixie takes a deep breath before saying in a surprisingly accurate accent, "Екатерина Петровна Замолодчикова, вы сделаете мне честь быть моей девушкой?"

"да! Конечно я сделаю, ты полная тупица." Katya says, tears that's she had held back for so long finally spilling steadily down her cheeks.

Trixie pulls her tightly into a hug and lets Katya weep softly into her chest. "Я так тебя люблю, кукла." She finally whispers quaintly, looking up into Trixie's chestnut eyes. "я тоже тебя люблю, мама." Trixie whispers back.

A while later once the Russian had settled her emotions to a moderate level she turns to Trixie and says, "your Russian had improved so much, принцесса."

"Yeah, I've been working on it a lot so hopefully we'll be able to have full conversations in no time." Trixie replies, eyes filled with a look of child-like hope.

"один день скоро, котенок."

Anna- I don't want to sound like an asshole but if you enjoy my writing please give me a follow! It means the world. X

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