Part Nine

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"So this is the living room. As you can see we've rounded off or put rubber stoppers on sharp corners which is the same for the rest of the house." Trixie says, pointing at the coffee table and then gesturing to the fireplace.

"It's a lovely house you have here. Now, it's seems like you were right there are no sharp corners or edges that could cause harm so that's all up to code. All of the decor if it wasn't already has been moved to a place that's out of the little girls reach. There's a secure grate around the fireplace and all of the tools used for the fireplace are out of reach." The inspector says, moving slowly around the room, gliding her finger along every nook and cranny and then shaking the protective barrier in front of the fire aggressively.

"As you have probably been told we will both be being signed as her legal guardian despite us living in separate homes right now. It may seem slightly abnormal but we assure you it won't make any difference to our ability to look after Saffy." Katya says. She is internally overwhelmed by the judging glances and non discrete stares she gets from the inspector, their beady eyes drilling into her soul. Trixie puts a comforting hand on her shoulder and adds, "yeah, she practically lives here anyway." To which the inspector just nods.

The tour is coming to an end as they circle back to the living room to discuss the outcome of their inspection. Katya and Trixie sit on the couch with Saffron wedged between them and the inspector sitting with their legs crossed in the arm chair opposite them.

Katya puts one arm around Trixie's shoulder and uses the other to comb her fingers through Saffron's hair absentmindedly. Saffron cuddles in close to the other girls and starts to play with the several dainty rings on Trixie's fingers, moving them from one side of her hand to the other one finger at a time.

Finally, the inspector speaks. "So, overall I think that both of you are to more than fit to look after Saffron." She pauses as they celebrate, both kissing Saffron on the head. "However-" they both hold their breath, "the only thing is that I would prefer for both guardians to be living in the same home."

They both look at each other in silent understanding. "That can be arranged." Trixie confirms, looking at Katya for definite approval for which receives a certain nod.

"Well in that case if you'd just sign these papers we can finalise all of this and let you live your new family life."

Anna- sorry this is so shit. I'll do better next time I promise. X

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