Chapter 41: Ten Million Reasons To Love

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An eerie silence filled the Megamart as Ash, with his aura activated, and Pikachu walked up to the battlefield with pure hatred evident on their faces. The rest of the group followed behind him, slightly afraid.

"This is not going to be pretty. Not that anything involving Ghost types usually are, but still..." Kevin stated, clearly thinking about a certain Legendary. Maria, Latias, Gary, Lillie, Snowy, Misty, and Gladion nodded in agreement. Ash and Pikachu stepped into the trainer's box and crossed their arms while closing their eyes. They waited for a minute before an evil laugh echoed throughout the place.

"Hello, twerp. Miss the beauty of Team Rocket, Jessie?!" the voice asked deviously. Everyone tensed up from hearing that. Ash and Pikachu snapped their eyes open and shot a hateful glare towards Jessie, who was standing on the other side and staring them down with her glowing red ones.

"Oh, the only thing we miss is blasting you off! Now...where is Sylveon?!" he shot back.

"Pika pi! Pikachu!" Pikachu added, sparking his cheeks. Jessie didn't seem to hear them, instead looking at Kevin and Maria.

"Ah, the twerp's brother. How is Leaf doing, twerp?...Oh, wait, that's right! You haven't seen her in a while, have you?" she inquired devilishly. The entire group flinched.

"Leaf..." Kevin uttered with his entire body shaking. Maria's cheeks also began to spark angrily while the red-orange aura surrounded him.

"Oh, and how about Delphox and Serperior, eh?! I bet your Greninja and Infernape misses them! Too bad they don't feel the same way, along with Leaf...AND Serena!" Jessie called out confidently. Suddenly, a Pokeball from both Ash and Kevin's belts opened up, and Greninja and Kong immediately rushed towards her maliciously. Before they could reach Jessie, she wagged her finger.

"Uh, uh, uh...I wouldn't do that if I was you." she concurred evilly, snapping them. The back door swung wide, and what the group saw terrified them to no end and even made Greninja and Kong stop.

"SYLVEON!" they all screamed, some in Pokespeech. Mimikyu was holding a struggling, chained up Sylveon up in the air by the throat using a black and purple claw. The Fairy type Eeveelution was coughing up some blood and looked like she hadn't been eating in days.

'HEY, YOU DEMON, LET HER GO!' Pikachu shouted, clearly pissed off. Mimikyu turned towards him and giggled darkly.

'Oh, look, Sylvie, your lovable Pikachu is here. Good. Once I destroy that very overrated piece of shit, I'm sending you straight to the Reverse World!' she exclaimed before placing Sylveon on the floor. The claw vanished, letting her breathe.

'' Sylveon asked hopefully, gasping for air.

'Yeah, it's me, Sylvie! We're getting you out of there! And Mimikyu, no one calls her that except for me! You hear me, bitch?!' Pikachu replied determinedly. A weak smile crossed Sylveon's face.

'Kick...Mimikyu'' she managed to say just as she collapsed on her side. The group yelped fearfully.

'Oops. I must have overdone it. Darn, and I was looking forward to seeing her reaction once I've beaten her mate. Oh well...' Mimikyu lamented. She quickly shrugged it off. At that point, Pikachu finally snapped.

'MIMIKYU, I AM SO GOING TO ZAP YOU INTO OBLIVION! WHY DID YOU COME AFTER SYLVEON ANYWAY, HUH?! IT IS ME YOU'RE AFTER, ISN'T IT?!' he shouted venomously. An evil chuckle escaped Mimikyu's mouth as she slid over to the battlefield.

"You want to know why we came after Sylveon, twerp? Because we want Pikachu to suffer the same way you, your brother, Greninja, and Infernape will be when you realize you can't save the ones you love. If we beat you one-on-one, or if anyone tries to interfere or sneak into the back room, it doesn't matter whether your 'Ash-Greninja' or 'Kevin-Kong' bullshit are the fastest Pokemon alive. These chains are boogey trapped with explosives, and when I press this button...BOOM! Two worthless lives will be destroyed!" Jessie answered for her while holding up a red button. Ash, Kevin, and their Pokemon gritted their teeth angrily. Everyone else was frozen in fear. The group then looked to Sylveon's right and saw a chained up and gagged young woman lying on the floor, clearly unconscious and also looking like she hadn't eaten in days. She had messy short purple hair with bangs collected in a small ponytail just above her forehead with a golden clover-shaped badge and purple eyes and was wearing a patchy dress of black, dark purple, and light purple with two ribbons coming from her back, a gold armband on her left forearm, and light purple sandals.

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