Chapter 3: Memories And Nightmares

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Early the next morning, Serena's Pokeballs were drifting off aimlessly in the sea. The Pokemon inside had no idea what was happening, but they knew something was up when they didn't eat dinner last night. And yet, they were scared of the unknown. Even Pancham, the bravest one, was deeply afraid and wouldn't dare to pop out of his Pokeball. If anyone had, they'd be more terrified once they realize that they were casted away into the sea without Serena guiding them.

All hope was lost for the five Pokemon until a couple of Laprases swam over to their Pokeballs.

'That's strange. Why are there five Pokeballs in the water?' one of them asked.

'I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling about this.' the other Lapras said, concerned.

'Me too, Lappie. We should probably leave them alone, though.' Lapras said sternly. Lappie glared at him, disgusted.

'Uh, no, Lapras. We're taking them with us, whether you like it or not!' she shouted angrily before diving underwater. Lapras flinched.

'What if there are dangerous Pokemon in there, just waiting to attack us?' he asked, frightened. Lappie then came up with the five Pokeballs on her back.

'Stop being such a wimp. You don't see this every day, you know? Trainers, even bad ones, don't just toss their Pokeballs in the water like that. Something terrible must have happened!' she exclaimed, obviously worried for whoever those Pokemon were. A frustrated Lapras visibly sighed, knowing that if Lappie got her mind set, she's not going to change it anytime soon.

'Ugh. Fine, you win, Lappie. Where do we even go to drop them off, though?' he asked, feeling defeated. Lappie was looking around when she spotted a boat that was currently anchored not too far away from where they were. Her eyes widened upon seeing the back of a boy who had a Pikachu perched on his left shoulder.

'ASH!' Lappie shouted happily, recognizing her old trainer from the Orange Islands days. She instantly took off while being careful not to knock off any of the Pokeballs. This action made the other Lapras utterly dumbfounded.

'What's with her this morning?' he mumbled to himself, hesitantly following his friend.

Ash, Pikachu, Greninja, and Gary were looking out at the sea after he had screamed himself, his Pokemon, and his friends awake from yet another terrifying Serena dream.

Geez, Ash, and here I thought my Delphox nightmares were bad enough. Your Serena nightmares are even worse! the Ninja Pokemon exclaimed, mortified, while he relived it via his own mind. As he did so, Ash was also going through Greninja's latest nightmare inside his. Doing that sent chills down their spines.

Yeah, you can say that again. But your Delphox nightmares were pretty bad as well. I'm surprised you didn't scream us awake before I did. Though, if you're having nightmares about Delphox and I'm having nightmares about Serena, then I wonder... Ash trailed off before looking at Pikachu.

"Hey Pikachu, are you having nightmares about Sylveon?" he asked worriedly. Pikachu's ears drooped down once he remembered his bad Sylveon dream.

"Pika." he said, nodding fearfully. Ash was shocked by the tone. During their long friendship, he had never heard Pikachu sound so frightened. Not on their first day together when they were being chased by an angry flock of Spearows. Not when the two friends were being turned into ghosts back in Lavender Town. Not during any of their encounters with a Legendary Pokemon. Not even when the duo was plunging down Prism Tower. Though, Ash supposed it made sense, considering that he'd seldom seen Pikachu totally in love like he is with Sylveon. After all, he would be terrified too if anything bad happened to Serena.

'That makes the three of us having nightmares about our loved ones. Honestly, I think we should go see the Grand Festival. I don't know about you two, but if anything, I think we need to see them again.' Greninja said telepathically to Ash and in Pokespeech to Pikachu. They glanced at each other and nodded before staring back.

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