Chapter 21

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3th POV

'Ouch, you stepped on my foot,' Mal whispered angry.

'Sorry, but I can't see a thing,' Ben whispered back.

Mal rolled her eyes.

'I know you just rolled your eyes,' Ben said.

'I did not,' she said rolling her eyes again.

'And again,' he said.

'That's so not true,' she said back.

'Yes you did,' he said.

'No I didn't,' she said.

'You just sound like an old married couple,' Evie said grinning.

'More like two nagging toddlers,' Carlos said.

'Haha, very funny,' Mal said rolling her eyes once again.

'Now you did it again,' Ben said.

'You've no proof,' Mal said to her husband.

'Oh boy,' Jay said slapping his hand in his face.

'We're here,' Lonnie said suddenly.

They all stood still before the ladder leading to the library. The day before they had hung red ribbon on the ladder, so they would recognize it.

'Finally, couldn't stand them anymore,' Jay said.

'I heard that,' Mal said to him.

'I know,' he said grinning.

'Okay, everyone knows the plan?' Jane asked nervously.

'Yes,' they all said.

'Okay. Action!' Lonnie said.

The trap door was behind a big bookcase in a far corner of the room. In the room were 5 guards, or, technically pirates. There were 2 quards standing at each door (one door in the front and one in the back)and the fifth one was pacing right before the table with the wand on it.

The wand wasn't the only magical object in the room; the most magical and famous objects, that used to be in the museum, were now set up in the room, and so was the old spinning wheel of Maleficent...

They all came up the ladder and hid behind the bookcase.

'Alright. Mal, you remember that spell you used for the guard in the museum, right?' Evie whispered.

The library was really big, so they stood far enough, so the guards couldn't hear them.

'Wait, what were you doing in the museum?' Ben asked.

Mal looked at the other vk's.

'Well, that's a good story for another time,' Mal said nervously.

'Uhm, okay, but... ' Ben said confused.

'So, now back to the plan,' Evie said quickly.'Mal, you let those guards fall asleep. Jay and Lonnie, when they are asleep, you'll run to the wand and grab it. Carlos, Mal, Dude and Jane, you'll go stand at the front door, keeping watch. And Doug, Ben and I will take the other door.'

'Yeah. Uhm, I'm not gonna do that,' Jane said scared.

Evie sighed.

'Alright then,' Evie said annoyed.'You can stay here at the trap door, to act quickly when we have to go back down, okay?'

'Okay,' Jane said still not too delighted

'Everybody gets it?' Evie asked.

They all nodded.

Mal walked to the end of the bookcase and cleared her throat.

'Prik the fingers, prik them deep, set my enemies off to sleep,' she said, not too loud.

Suddenly all five guards walked like some kind of zombies towards the spinning wheel. Then, when they all had touched it, they lay down on the ground and slept peacefully, with loud snorring.

Mal grinned.

Then the others ran quietly to their position.

'How are we gonna get this thing open?' Jay asked.

'I don't know, you are the expert,' Lonnie said shrugging.

Jay looked at her with steely eyes.

'What? It's true,' she said.

'I'm not a thief,' he said offended.

'Yeah, I know. But you used to be one,' she said nervously, knowing she offended him.

'Okay, maybe I know some tricks,' Jay admitted.

Meanwhile Mal ran with Carlos and Dude to the door on the other side of the quite big room.

'Are you okay?' Carlos asked his friend.

Mal leaned her arms on her knees, trying to catch her breath.

'Yeah, I'm fine. Just- too much exertion,' she said.

'Are you sure?' He asked a little concerned.

'Yeah, I'm not an old crabby grandma,' she said annoyed.

'No, but you are pregnant, remember?' Carlos said.

'And still crabby,' Dude added.

Mal gave a death stare to Dude.

'Just kidding, just kidding,' he said quickly, hiding behind Carlos.

Then she turned back to Carlos.

'I know, but I'm fine. Besides, this is now more important than my health. We can't let Uma win because of me,' she said determined.

'If you say so. I just don't want anything happen to the two of you,' he said.

'Ahww, that's so sweet,' she said grinning to him and gave him a tight hug.

'Okay, okay. Can't breath,' Carlos said.

Mal chuckled.'Now you know how I feel when Evie hugs me.'

'And why did I have to undergo that?' He asked.

'Because you always laugh at me when I almost die when she hugs me,' she told him.

He laughed.'Yeah, but that's just funny.'

'And when I do it to you, it's not?' She asked.

'No, of course not,' he said.

She rolled her eyes.

'I love you too sis,' he said laughing and gave her a hug.

'Yeah sure,' she said sarcastically, laughing too and hugged back.


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