Chapter 12

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Ben's POV

Everyone was leaving the cafeteria and Mal still wasn't there.

'Maybe she's in our room. If she's not there, I'll text you and we'll go look for her together. Okay?' Evie told us.

We nodded and also left the cafeteria. I walked to my dorm, with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Maybe because I didn't really eat something, but more because of Mal. Where was she?


Evie's POV

It was busy in the corridors, so I had to push myself through the crowd of students. When I finally reached my dorm and opened the door, it was empty. I walked to our bathroom, hoping to find her there, but also the bathroom was empty.

I quickly texted everyone, so we could go look for her. I was worried, what if something happened? But she was probably just somewhere in the school, or the garden. Maybe she had fallen asleep somewhere.


Mal's POV

I woke up, still in the dark basement. It was totally quiet, but I had no idea about what time it was. I felt really weak and literally everything hurted.

Then suddenly, I heard the door open, but didn't look up. The stairs creaked as someone was quietly walking down.

'Hello princess. Enjoying your stay here?' I heard a very familiar voice saying.

I looked up and saw none other than Harry Hook himself. I couldn't see him very well due to the only little bit of light that was coming from the doorway.

'What do you want Harry?' I asked trying to seem confident.

'Just wanted to make sure you're okay,' he said.

'Why would you care about me?' I asked.

'Well, I know we're not exactly friends or something, but I just had the feeling you two had been through a tough time,' he said shrugging.

I wanted to answer, but then realized what he said.

'T-two... why two? I'm here all alone,' I said stammering.

'You don't have to lie, which you, by the way, are really bad at, cause I felt it,' he said looking right into my eyes.

I looked away, not saying anything.

'How long?' He asked.

'Ten' I said still looking away.

'And you haven't told anyone yet?' he asked surprised.

'No, of course not! And I'm not gonna tell anyone either,' I said.

'I don't think you could hide that forever. You're the queen, remember?' He said.

'Well, now you're queen, but it won't be long until we'll take over,' he said with an evil grin.

I just looked at him without showing any emotion, but inside I felt more scared than ever before.

When we were younger, he used to be kinda kind, but he has changed much since then. Now he was cruel and ruthless, but maybe, deep inside him, was still a bit left of that once kind guy.

'Why are you doing this?' I asked him.

'What?' he said looking at me with a confused expression on his face.

'Don't you remember our childhood, when we used to be friends. You never would do something like this,' I said.

'Back then, I was a stupid little boy. I admit we had a lot of fun, but you know just as well as I do that we've both changed into completely different persons. And that boy you once knew, is now gone, so you have to deal with me now,' he said grinning.

He turned around and walked back upstairs and locked the door again.


Ben's POV

We went looking through the whole school, but she was nowhere to be found. So we finally walked to the garden.

No one was out at this hour of the day, so the garden was totally empty. We looked at every corner while calling her name, but she wasn't there either.

We walked back inside. Everyone was panicking and Evie was totally freaking out.

'Where is she?! We don't know what could've happened. She's the queen after all! She must be found!' Evie snapped.

'Evie chill,' Jay said trying to calm her down her.

'Yeah, she's probably just fine,' Carlos tried, but you could see on his face that he wasn't too sure about that. And neither was I.

'Alright guys, we've been in every little corner of the campus and even in the garden, but she's not here. So maybe we should wait one night, and if she's not back by tomorrow morning, we'll gonna get over to the police to sent people to look for her,' Lonnie suggested.

We nodded. I knew this was gonna be a sleepless night. I didn't know where she was, nor did anyone else. This wasn't something she would do; left without a note or saying goodbye. There was more going on, but I had to wait for next morning to find out.


Ben's POV

And as we had all feared, Mal didn't show up the next day. We gathered together in Evie's dorm, to discuss the next step.

'So any ideas?' Evie asked with a few tears in her eyes.

'I think we should go to the police. It's the queen we're talking about, remember?' Carlos said.

'But I don't want to wait here and do nothing, while others search through the whole kingdom to find her,' Ben said. 'I think we should do something too.'

'Yeah, you're right. We could look in the neighbour. We don't know where she is; maybe she's far maybe she's not,' Doug said.

We all just nodded. Everyone was confused about the whole situation, about where our friend was, how she just could've vanished. It was just, I don't know... weird.


Ben's POV

We went to the police office. When we got inside, everyone looked up, surprised to see the king walk in.

'Hello your Highness, how can we help you,' a fat policeman said from the counter, while eating a jelly donut.

'We want you to send out search teams to find the queen,' I said.

All policemen looked confused.

'Wait, the queen is missing?' One of them asked.

'Yes, and she has to be fiound, so I need all your best search teams to look for her. Immediately,' I commanded.

'Alright, your Highness,' the fat policeman said.

All policemen hurried to their desks to take care of the case. They wouldn't let the king down.


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