Chapter 13

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3th POV

Weeks went by, but without any results. The search teams had combed all parts of Auradon, but there was no sign of the queen to be found.

The friends were almost losing hope, their friend would ever be found. After searching, every single day, but without finding anything, it looked almost impossible. They were still searching every day, but lost hope more and more.

The whole kingdom knew about the disappearing of their queen by now. The first week, they had kept it a secret, but after 3 weeks, it had leaked so the whole kingdom knew. Everyone was shocked, what could've happened to their queen?

The only one who didn't seem to care about the whole situation, and even seemed to enjoy it, was Audrey. Although everyone was concerned about it, Audrey walked through the corridors with a really satisfied face.

Everyone else, however, was talking about it the whole day. What didn't really distract Ben from it. He still had to do all his king duties, but couldn't concentrate at all. He had a depressed face everyday, thinking about his love, not knowing where she was, or what she was going through.

All in all, the situation had worsened since the day they found out and after all this time, there still was no sign of the queen.


Uma's POV

I was watching the news. It was already 3 weeks ago since the kidnapping and they still haven't shown up.

"Breaking News: It appears that our queen is missing since 3 weeks ago. The whole kingdom is shocked about the news. There is no clue about what happened, or where she is. There are plenty of search teams looking for her in the whole kingdom, but after 3 weeks she still isn't found. The whole kingdom wait with baited breath for news about the queen, but we can't do anything else than wait.' The reporter said.

'Dang it! So they didn't found my note,' I said frustrated. 'Well, then we have to come with a plan B.'

'And that will be... ?' Harry asked.

'We'll have to go back and leave a new not in the king's dorm. But it's gonna be very tricky, so we have to be careful,' I said

I walked to the table and wrote a new note, saying:

Dear King,

As you've maybe noticed, Mal hasn't been around lately. She's namely staying with us for a while.

If you want her to come back home, you have to come to the enchanted forest. We'll be waiting for you in a little wooden house.

If you wanna take her back, we'd like a little thing for her in return.

If you bring me Fairy Godmother's wand, then Mal can come back home with you. If not, you'll never see her again.

See you tomorrow at 12 noon.


Your pirate friends


Ben's POV

I walked to my dorm, after another long day of working and searching. I haven't smiled in days, only thinking about Mal.

I sat down at a chair in the corner of my dorm and just stared at the wall for a while. Until my eyes caught something lying on my bed. I walked closer.

It was a little white note. I picked it up and read it.

That was the moment I lost it. I flopped on my bed crying out all tears I had. I knew there was something wrong, but this was worse than I thought.

I had to tell everyone, but we had to keep it a secret. It was like last time, when I was captured; if we would tell anyone, it was over.

But this time, Uma was not gonna fall for some fake wand again and I had the feeling that they were playing it more serious than ever before.

I texted everyone to come to my dorm asap.


Evie's POV

I was in shock after I read the note.

'Wh-what do we do now?' I asked in tears.

'We have to give Uma the wand,' Ben said.

'No! We can't do that. Then you endanger everyone! Isn't there anything else we can do?' Carlos said.

Nobody said anything.

I finally said 'We have to. They ain't gonna fall for another trick.'

'Yeah, you're right. We have to save her, who knows what she's going through right now,' Lonnie said.

'So, what's the plan?' Jay asked.

'I know all secret passages here. There's one to the museum. Jay, you knock out the guard and Carlos shuts off the alarms and the surveillance cameras. We grab the wand, and replace it for one of the 3d printer. Then we put everything on, just as it was before and go, save Mal,' Ben said.

'Let's get this party started,' Jay said and we all walked out of the room.

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