Chapter 19

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3th POV

'So. Any ideas?' Ben asked, a few hours later.

'I have!' Jay yelled.'What about we get some weapons and kill them all!'

The others looked shocked at him as he stood up and crunched his bones.

'Well, if literally nothing else will succeed, then we'll do that,' Ben said carefully, although he knew that was never gonna happen. Luckily.

'If that's what you want. But let me tell you, they don't even deserve to live,' he said disappointed.

'Okay then... {rolling her eyes} any other suggestions? Which don't contain murders,' Lonnie asked still looking with a kinda shocked face to her boyfriend.

'We can just spend the rest of our lives in here. That way we don't have to fight them, and we live happily ever after,' Jane said smiling.

Jay looked at her like she just said she wanted to join the circus.

'I don't think that's an option,' Carlos said.

'Yeah, indeed. We're not gonna let them win! We have to fight them and they're gonna regret they ever set foot in this kingdom!' Jay yelled.

'Jay! Chill,' Mal said.

'But what are we gonna do? They have a whole army of villains and we're with only eight!' Evie said panicking.

It went quiet for a while.

'I think we maybe first have to get the wand back,' Mal said.

'And then what?' Jay asked frustrated. He, of course, wanted some action, but fighting wasn't really an option.

'Well, that's their strongest suit, so... ,' she continued.

'So if we get Fairy Godmother to use her wand, we can defeat them!' Evie finished her.

'Hey! I was gonna say that!' Mal said.

'But I said it first,' Evie said grinning, sticking her tongue out.

'Okay little kids, can we now go to the actual plan,' Carlos said rolling his eyes.

Evie and Mal laughed.

'Okay okay. So how are we gonna do this?' Mal asked still a little bit giggling.

'That's a good one. I have no idea,' Doug answered.

'So... should we just go by my plan then?' Jay asked hopefully.

'No, absolutely not,' Jane said.'I'm not gonna kill anyone.'

'Me neither,' Doug said.

'Jay, we're not gonna kill anyone, okay,' Mal said sternly.

'Yes ma'am,' Jay said rolling his eyes.

'We just have to get that wand, but how?' Doug said.

'We have to sneak in, without anyone noticing, but that's impossible!' Evie said.

'Nothing! Is impossible,' Mal said.

'I know a way we can get in,' Ben said suddenly.

They all came closer to hear what their friend had to say.

'We have to figure out where the wand is,' Ben began.

'What a good plan,' Jay said sarcastically.

'I wasn't finished yet,' Ben said blunty.

'Okay okay, sorry,' Jay said quickly.

'So as I said, we have to figure out where the wand is. We can sneak around through all the secret passages,' he continued.

'Wait. We have secret passages?! Since when?' Mal asked confused.

'Oh, we used them to get the wand from the museum. They are like little tunnels through that can get you anywhere, without anyone seeing you.,' Evie explained.

'Cool! I think I'm gonna use them more often then,' Mal said grinning.

Ben looked at her with a stern face.

'Just kidding,' she said fast.

'So, if I can now continue my plan without being interrupted {looking at Mal and Jay}. We go through those passages to all possible places, until we find the wand,' he said.

'And then you'll just grab it, like there's nobody watching it.' Carlos said sarcastically.

'I'm still not done,' he said getting more and more irritated.

'Sorry,' Carlos said.'Go on then.'

'So when we find it, we make a plan how we can get it,' he said.

'So your plan is to make a plan?' Evie said putting her head in her hands.

'Can't anyone let me finish just once!' Ben said angry.

'Sorry sorry. I'll let you talk,' she said putting her hands up.

'Thank you,' Ben said harsh.'Now, if we now where the wand is, we can observe the room and the guards and then we can exactly develop a plan,' Ben ended his plan.

'Are you done now?' Carlos asked.

Ben nodded.

'I think it's a good plan, but there's just one thing,' Lonnie said.'Won't she notice that it's gone?'

'Oh yeah, that's right...' Ben said thinking.

'Can't we sneak into Carlos' and Jay's dorm to print one?' Doug suggested.

'Great, another theft, like we aren't already risking enough,' Jane said hanging her head.

Carlos hugged her.

'We have to. Unless you want Uma as your new leader of course,' Carlos said rubbing her back. She chuckled a little.

'So, tomorrow after breakfast, we'll start with operation "get the wand",' Ben said.'But first. Dinner.' 

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