Chapter 18

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Mal's POV

I was in my dorm with Ben, nervously waiting for the first lesson to start, when we suddenly heard a loud bang.

I looked at Ben with a questioning expression on my face.

'I've no idea what the hell that was,' he said like he could read my mind.

I had a bad feeling about this, but I really wanted to know what was going on.

'Well, then there's only one way to find out,' I said shrugging and he took my hand.

We walked out the dorm and saw all students and teachers did the same. We walked along with the crowd, still holding each others hand.

When we entered the entrance hall of the school, I was shocked. It looked like there had been a bomb blast.

Then suddenly, I heard a voice that I had heard so many times. I squeezed Ben's hand and he pulled me behind him, trying to protect me. Not that I needed that or something, but he felt better that way so I just let him.

I looked beside his left shoulder to see what was happening.

'Hello, citizens of Auradon! How wonderful to see y'all again,' Uma said, smirking evilly.

Uma was standing on the now broken front door, with her whole crew standing around her.

'From now on, things will be different in Auradon,' she said grinning by seeing all those shocked faces.'And since Fairy Godmother didn't want to break the barrier, I did it myself {she said while twirling the wand in her hand}. So, now every little silly king, queen, prince and princess will be captured and locked up. Forever. And the other citizens, well, they will now obey me, the new queen!' She said and laughed evilly.

Ben took my hand and we ran through the crowd.

'Ben! Where are we going?!' I asked panting.

We ran all the way to the other side of the school.

'It's gonna be okay, Mal. We have to hide 'till we find a solution,' he said.

I knew he was just as scared as I was, but didn't show it so I wouldn't freak out even more.

We ran through the corridors, where now all students were, trying to escape. We ran further and further and eventually stopped right before an big old painting of a landscape.

'Aperiam tibi,' Ben said and suddenly the painting vanished and instead there was an opening in the wall. My mouth hung open.

Ben placed a finger under my mandible and closed my mouth.

'Sorry,' I said chuckling.'I just have the feeling that I'm literally in a movie now or something.'

Ben laughed.'Well, I hope your movie will have a happy end then.'

I hugged him. He then grabbed my hand, we walked inside and the opening closed behind us.


Evie's POV

We were running through the corridors, having no idea where to go, when my phone rang. I picked up, hoping it would be Mal or Ben.

'Evie? Are you there?' I heard Mal saying through the phone.

'Mal! Mal, where are you, are you okay?!' I yelled through the phone, still running.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I'm in the hiding place. You have to go to that big old painting in the back of the hallway near the cafeteria. When you get there you go stand right before it and say "aperiam tibi". Okay?' She said.

'Yes, yes, we're coming,' I said confused.'See you in a few minutes!' And I hung up.

Aperiam tibi. Aperiam tibi. I had to remember it, although I had no idea why. What did it even mean?

'Guys! Follow me!' I yelled to my friends.

We ran to the painting and stand before it. The hallway was totally empty.

'What are we doing here? We have to get away!' Jane yelled still crying of the whole scary situation.

Carlos hugged Jane tightly and rubbed her back.

'It's gonna be fine, trust me,' I assured her, although I wasn't so sure about that either.

I stood right before the painting, like Mal said, and spoke the words she told me. Suddenly there was an opening at the place where first was the painting.

'Wooow, what just happened?!' Lonnie said.

'Magic,' Mal said grinning, while standing in the opening.

'Mal!' I yelled and rand to my best friend, giving her a tight hug.

'Evie... I can not breath,' Mal said weakly.

'Oh yeah, sorry,' I said, letting go of her.

'Guys, follow me!' Mal said and walked back into the hiding place.

'Welcome in our place!'

We came into a not small, but also not a big room. The walls were gray (without windows of course), but decorated with paintings to make it less depressive. In the middle of the room was a fireplace with big bean bag chairs around it and a few carpets on the floor, which made the room a little, well, cozy.

I the corner of the room was a little kitchen with a pantry. And there were a few beds against the walls. The only door in the room was the door to the bathroom.

'Hey guys! I'm so glad you're all here!,' Ben said, standing up from one of the bean bag chairs.

He ran to us and gave us all a hug.

Ben's POV

We were still hugging, when Mal walked to one of the chairs and sat down on it. I walked towards her.

The others also sat down around the fireplace. Carlos was still trying to comfort Jane, Jay was talking to Lonnie (probably about how to fight the pirates) and Doug and Evie were discussing the chemistry homework of today for some reason. 

'Are you okay?' I asked and sat beside her.

'Yeah, I just had too much exertion, I guess,' she said.

I took her on my lap and she rested her head on my chest. Her eyes were about to close.

'It's okay. You can rest now,' I said while stroking my hand through her hair.

'No, we have to make a plan. We have to do something. We can't stay in here forever and let the others suffer under Uma's regime!' She said.

'I know, I know,' I said trying to calm her down.'But you really have to rest now and after we'll figure something out, alright?'

'But...' she began.

'No, Mal listen, you're pregnant. And I know you don't want to do nothing, but you really have to take care of yourself first now, okay? Please,' I said.

'Alright then,' she said and sighed.'But not because I need it. I only do it to ease your mind.'

I gave her a smile and picked her up to carry her to one of the double beds. I lay her down, pulled the blanket over her and gave her a peck on her forehead.

She soon fell asleep and I walked back to the others, joining their conversation with Mal's soft cute snoring in the background.


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