First Mission, Very Likely To Die In The Process. Sounds Fun, Let's Do It!

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        Of course, our days here wasn't just all fun and sunshine, I knew the good days of being beaten up and beating up other people would finally end. So I wasn't surprised when a few month later, after the usual ' Let's beat people up in the arena '  thing, one of the operatives clapped her hand. We gathered around her.

      " Right, this is-" She started.

       " Hey guys!" The familiar voice drew our attention. I looked at Mia, of COURSE she was drooling again. Yep, you guessed it, the big boss Shadow. Like, OMG, it's the Shadow! (Do I need to say that was sarcasm?)

      Yeah, it's the guy that just left us there, in the 'library' after the first dinner, after explaining impatiently a few other things, blah blah blah. We haven't seen him since. So now that he has decided to show up, thing s might start to get interesting. Either interestingly fun, or interestingly dangerous/life threatening. Dunno about you, but I thing the coin's gonna flip on the latter one.

       " It's time to test what you have learnt in the past few month." Yeah, my eighth birthday had come and gone in the past month or so. I don't even know what the date is now. At first I asked Panther, but in the end I just didn't bother.

 ----------------------------------------------I'm the dividing line------------------------------------------------------

       We packed a few things. We were given backpacks and selected a few things. I had: a five meter long rope, some flexible thin wire, a belt that can hold some small things within, hooks that can go on the belt and onto other stuff. 

      When I opened the backpack, I saw that there were about a week worth of food and water. Of course the 'food' was dried meat and energy bars. These energy bars were made specially by Sky Net, apparently, and holds about 1000 calories per intake. I need about 1500 - 2000 everyday, judging by my gender, age, and weight. But I suspected that I would need a lot more to stay alive for whatever comes next.

      " Weaponry and resources will be scattered around the site. Your goal, is to stay alive until we come and collect you." Shadow shouted over the deafening noise of the chopper coming close.

      " And when will that be?" A girl yelled.

       " Well...that depends..."

        " On what?"

       " Our mood."

       " What about the fire arms? How are we meant to use them? We were never taught! We aren't ready!"

        This time a woman in her twenties laughed and answered," Honey, we are NEVER ready."

        "Yeah, You've gotta improvise."

 They laughed as they pulled the blindfolds on us." good luck, you'll need it. Oh, and, try to stay alive if you can, that would be helpful."

We were shoved into the chopper as it begun towards the opening ceiling of the stadium. Sweat moisturised my hands as it lift off. My fate was now in my hands, I realised.

     Well... Maybe not so much.

   The heat and moisture hit me before anything else. Then the smell came. It was wet, loud. And not just because of the chopper that is now making its way back. Something sticky was on my back and I realised that, only here for five minutes and I'm already sweating like mad. This place feels... the rainforest in Brazil that I once went to. Yet... It feels different somehow. It's more... unscathed. Like no human being has ever been here before. Well, at least that's something figured out.

      " GUYS!" Shouted someone. " Let's regroup and stick together, yeah? In case of some dangers."

      A few people nodded and murmured in agreement as they followed the girl. My eyes followed them as they started to trudge through the thick forest floor. And even though part of me screamed and urged me to follow them, I smirked. They don't get it, do they? There isn't a danger. We ARE the danger. We are stranded in the middle of an undiscovered forest for who knows how long, with only a week's supply, what do you think is gonna happen. Idiots. They don't realise the truth yet. Really, it makes me wonder where the training has gone to.

      " Adversary?" The voice called. Immediately I stared daggers at the source. I didn't mean to do it, but the girl seems taken aback.

      " Aren't you coming?" She asked.

        I shook my head and waved my hand for her to go back. I also made a mental note to stay away from her. Other people might not have noticed when she was shouting, she was hidden. So right now the crowd was just waking in a general direction. She had deliberately hidden, so everyone can hear her and obey without noticing her. And yet now she  was so timid, acting. I appreciate her, but I won't fall for it. I know the laws of natural camouflage. And when I say that I had learnt it the hard way, trust me.

       " Go on, Chameleon."

        I could see, when she spun around, her pupil contract. But soon she recovered and answered coolly," I don't know what you are talking about." But I knew I had got it right. During all the time of training, she has kept in the shadows, almost merging into it, kept a low profile. Nearly nobody knew her code name, but then, was I just anyone?

      " Wrong answer, but go on." I motioned her to go again.

       Unfortunately, the fact that she kept a low profile and blended in, was exactly what made her stand out.

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