I Kick Some Butts

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           It just sort of slipped out of my mouth. I don't know how. It just did. But I don't regret it. I actually like the new name that I've just given myself. The obstinate one. The fighting one. Also another name for Satan in someways.Seeing the boy's eyes narrow just made me more certain of this name.

          "Adversary." I confirmed.

           "And so be it." The boy replied with a smirk. There was something that made me uncomfortable in his eyes, like a cat, toying with his prey. I am definitely NOT his prey. I decided.So I met his gaze and looked as intimidating as I can. The boy's eyes widened in surprise for a millisecond, then looked away to the crowd behind me(I had stepped forwards from my line)."Anyone else to follow Adversary's lead?"

             A couple did after me. But I didn't hear anything. In that millisecond that he had held gaze with me, I heard his voice in my head. No, like literally, we were in this white field when he said, smiling"Adversary,eh? Don't worry, no one else knows your actual name and your past other than me and a handful of other officials.Smart move though, Isabelle Huang."He had whispered, his golden eyes half closed, leaning so that his mouth nearly brushed my ears.

            How did he do that? I didn't see his mouth move, and yet, I heard him perfectly enough. In fact, he was so clear, that I did not for a second, assume it was an illusion.

              I couldn't feel a thing after what had happened in my head, I worked like a robot. My body just reacted automatically. Before I knew it, we were being lead out and I was half way past the corridor. The thing that woke me up from my daze was a gruff voice which I recognised to be Wolf's." Ha, can't wait for these weaklings to go through the course, as if they'd be the material for Queen.They'd be dead after three minutes!"I was bewildered. What courses? Queen?And, if I'm not mistaken, there was a hint of sourness in Wolf's voice.

             "What are you talking about? What courses? Who's Queen?"I asked.He squinted at me as if not quiet comprehending my questioning."Oh, aren't you that First One? Hmm...Adversary,was it?So you're a curious one. Most people in your place would be crying their heads off. You have courage, and I appreciate that, greatly. Though in this place, no matter how much it seem to be, just courage and strength may never be the key for you to accomplish something."And with that, he sped off, leaving me even more confused than before.

             We were then led to a door, marked 'Dormitory, Level-i ' They just left us there, leaving us looking at each other, uncertain of what to do next. Naturally, I pushed the door and took hold of little curly-head's hand and went in.The others followed.The room was quiet big, lined up with beds for one. There was a small cabinet/draw in between each bed.The walls were bare, white. The floor was marble, cold. The bed has no sheets on them, nor duvets of pillows.Silently, we occupied a bed each and placed the little of what we have on us on the drawers or the bed that we had brought with us when we were taken by the strange people who took us here.

        Finally, someone broke the depressing silence."My name is- was Rachel Arnis..."The girl looked about ten-ish. Before I could respond to that comment, little curly-head suddenly spoke in a rather raspy voice-probably from her sobbing,"You shouldn't say that."

       The girl looked surprised at such a comment."Why? What's wrong with my name?" Curly- head shrugged. "I don't know. It's just that... I feel it would be safer not to...I mean, this place is..."

        "She's right, we should keep our personal info, just in case." Interrupted a tomboy looking girl."I'm Fox, by the way."She nodded in my direction, her eyes piercingly bright.

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