Part 2 to Last Chapter

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       Six strode over and grabbed my collar. She had taken me by surprise so that she didn't leave the time to recover my senses before she attacked. I experienced a full blow on my chin before I realised what was happening. They were trained. Was the only thought that coursed through my head, because, when you are hit with a full blow on the chin, I doubt that you'll be able to have a lot of thoughts whilst counting the stars that were circling your head. But now that the fact dawned on me, I wanted to smack myself. They were trained. Of course they were. I was too proud. I had too much expectations, I was vain and selfish, and that, was the fatal flaw that had caused me to end up in this situation. I wanted to hit back, to reclaim my place as the winner. But, as I was off ground, you would've guessed that it was hard to aim a kick, being dizzy and choking and all that. I felt helpless, like a toddler.

       Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw rest of the class staring, not quiet sure what to do. I can't exactly blame them, I honestly doesn't know what is going on. So then my thoughts were: Who what when where why what what what what...God damn it I hate hanging off the ground and choking the same time. So...yeah...ehm. Shadow was standing there, doing nothing. I had expected him to put a stop to this, but then I saw the hint of amusement in his eyes. I saw me struggling, unable to help my self. And I realised, this was protocol. Not protocol as in ' we need to get this over and done with' protocol, but ' heck, let's fight to the death' protocol. Because, judging by the people who had filled in, with their tickets flashing 's' es of all colours and heading towards the elevator that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, this was NORMAL.  And I would just be another victim who gets dumped by some level-E loser.

       Shadow had been waiting for this to happen. He planned  this to happen. I was like some model for his class, an bad example. And so, adrenaline coursed through my veins again, and hate- no. It wasn't hate or resent that I felt. I had taught myself not to dwell on those things and yet here I am, thinking that I hate people. It was a feeling that I needed the be at the top of the pyramid. No one, nothing, can deter me and pin me down. So I ain't gonna stumble here.

      With all the strength that I could master, I pulled and bit. In the mean time that she grimaced and loosened up a bit, I used her arms like a bar to pull my self up and place a well aimed kick in her crotch. And then, my readers, it was that combat room all over again, but with slightly less gor as I really didn't want to make everyone's appetite fall. It was surprising, really, that the people going up the elevators, continued to chat as if oblivious to the screaming and decking of the tables. Really, this place is going to stop surprising me soon.  It wasn't just me who was doing the chucking people around thing, another little group seem to be taking their time as well.

     Ok, the scenario was like this, as later accounted by Cold, with help from Panther: Another group of level-Es had rounded on the cute girl and she was just sitting there, eating. Then they flipped the plate somehow, and the stain got on her shirt. And this is where everything goes really interesting. So this girl was being trash talked at by a bunch of people who, I can tell you, does not lack in bicep muscles. She just sits there, eating her spaghetti bolognese ( or what ever she was eating at the time. The stain looked like the sauce but we can never be too sure), until someone accidentally spilt sauce  over her. Then she flipped. Quite literally. Funny thing is, again my brain was like I thought the tables were stuck to the floor. Hmm... 

       As you might've guessed,(how would you know?) the cute girl flipped the table over. The level-Es looked taken aback and I can't blame them. They were probably even more stunned when the girl performed a near-perfect judo flip that, I recognised to be Cold's winning move from earlier. But obviously Cold's was perfect. I didn't know exactly what they thought because, well, maybe because the fact that they were being smashed into each other. duh.

      Meh. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my dinner. Ew, it's getting cold. All their fault. I glared in the direction of the divergent people as they were being carried off in stretchers. I know I wasn't exactly supposed to use my skills against the others and so I had kinda violated a couple rules of our club. Well, maybe a few. OK, perhaps nearly every single one. Don't mind the details.

       " ...And they can earn their places back by slaying the ones who had beat them. But if you beat them again well... Let's just say it wouldn't be very comfy for them." Shadow continued.

Once again, this place sent a chill down my back.

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