Chapter 31: Brooklyn Girl Meets Italian Boy

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Chapter 31: Brooklyn Girl Meets Italian Boy. 

Frantically, I ran around the house trying to prepare things for this afternoon. Frank was totally relaxed while I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. Frank lounged on the couch with Ariana and Riley on either side of him, leaning on his ribs. The twins were growing up so quickly, their birthday is coming up really soon and that makes me feel really happy but also really sad. My babies are growing up too quickly. They'll be able to walk at our wedding which is coming up soon as well. 

Frank and I are holding a BBQ as a social to raise money for the wedding. I've already got my dress and Frank has his tuxedo and the groom's men have their suits and my bride's maids have their dresses but we need a little extra cash to pay for the babysitter when we're away for our honeymoon. I know Frank's and I's families don't mind watching the twins but I don't want their good deeds to go unpaid. They'll surely protest but I'll insist. 

"Eliese, calm down." Frank said as he plucked Ariana and Riley off of the couch and set them down on their play-mat. He strode up to me and seized my pacing by grabbing my shoulders gently with a secure crooked smirk. But I couldn't calm down, there is too much at stake here if this doesn't go well then we'll forever be two different families. 

"I can't calm down, this is the first time our families are meeting." I reminded him for the millionth time today. He chuckled and nodded with his crooked smirk still strong. 

"It'll be fine, I promise you." He reassured me gingerly but I wasn't buying it. I had a feeling that something was going to kick off and there will be a huge fall out. I need my family to be on their best behavior because Frank doesn't have a lot of family. The only people coming from his side are his mom, dad, and grandparents. While on my side I have my Aunts and Uncles and cousins, my brother and sister, my mom and dad and gran. Not to mention Rae and the band. 

Rae finally told Gerard about her pregnancy and he took it well, from what I've heard at least. He was shocked and stunned when she first told him but according to Rae a large goofy smile has been painted on his face ever since. Her mom did what every good mother would do, she freaked out. Rae was still seventeen when she found out, just like me. Rae's mom told Gerard if he got any other minor pregnant she'll hunt his ass down. That's pretty much Rae's mom in a single sentence. 

"Knock, knock!" Frank's mom called from the front door. Frank and I stared at each other for a brief moment before he went to greet his mom. I know Frank's been stressed out as well, he really wants this BBQ to go well and he's going on tour soon so he'll be gone for a couple of months. I'll miss him but he needs to go and play music. It's not in his nature to stay in one place for too long, he needs things to do. And watching on two babies isn't exactly his idea of being productive. I'm not saying he's a bad father, I merely think he has ADHD or something like that. 

Frank re-emerged into the living room with his mom and grandparents trailing at his side. Immediately his mom went to greet the twins while his grandparents greeted me with a casual hug and kind words. Donna put the twins in between Frank's grandparents on the couch, Ariana squealed loudly and flailed around while Riley leaned again his Great Grandfather sleepily. I couldn't help but smile at the two sides of Frank sitting right in front of me on the couch. 

"You two aren't even dressed yet." Donna made the simple observation of our appearances. Frank flicked his tongue over his lips and smirked cheekily. 

"We've been too busy with everything else to worry about getting dressed." Frank commented truthfully. Even though Frank sat on the couch with the twins most of the morning he did help me bathe them and get them dressed and he helped prepare the food, nothing that needs to stay hot but picnic finger food is what we're serving. 

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