Chapter 24: Pleasant Surprise

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Chapter 24: Pleasant Surprise.


I am in love with my new home. It's like a dream house for any little girl who wants to become a mother and have a family. It's my Cinderella Castle. It's crazy to know that this is all mine, this is my life. It's very heartwarming.

Riley and Ariana were on a large, laid out blanket in the living room as Frank laid there with them. They all looked adorable. I stood in front of the kitchen sink, washing and rinsing dishes from lunch as I gazed over at my family. Frank talked to his children in a high pitched, fatherly tone. It made me smile proudly. Frank's birthday is coming up in a few days; I have something fantastic planned for the occasion.

I rinsed the last plastic bowl, setting on the drying rack. I looked at my reflection in the window in front of me. My eyes went straight to the snakebites that twinkled in the reflection. I looked down into the draining sink, the cloudy water swirled down the drain, making a sucking noise as it did. I wiped my hands off on the dish towel that sat next to the drying rack. My jeans were damp from washing the dirtied bowls, silverware, cups, etc.

I walked into the living room, Frank sat pretzel legged on the floor alongside Ariana and Riley. Riley cooed and smiled at his father's voice, Ariana had this silly, cute grin on her face. Frank looked up at me, his eyes glowing.

"Hey, babe." He greeted me, and then took hold of Riley, kissing his head and not being able to get enough of the baby. I smiled softly; I bent down and picked up my daughter. She made a loud, cooing noise that sent me and Frank into adoring mode as we laughed. The little girl looked at me with her big seafoam green colored eyes that melted my heart. They are both growing at a quick pace. Eventually they won't be babies anymore, but hardworking adults with dreams and aspirations. I want them to stay my little babies forever.

I bobbed up and down with her slightly, benignly stroking her cheek and kissing her head. I love my children to death. What kind of mother wouldn't?

"How are you feeling?" Frank asked, looking me up and down as he stood up with our son, vowel sounds coming out of Riley's mouth. I must look like I'm not feeling my best if he's asking this particular question. To be honest, I've been quite stressed. Like I said, I love being a mother, but it can be draining. I let out a breath aimed towards my forehead, my bangs flowing upwards.

"So, what you’re trying to say is that I look like hell?" I said in a cheeky, questionable tone. Frank smirked at me as Riley was oblivious to what we were talking about, being the ideal 2 1/2 month old baby. I stepped over to Ariana's activity bouncer, setting her in and loving the reaction I was getting. She adores that bouncer.

"You need to get away for a while, take some time for yourself." He spoke words I didn't want to hear. Being a mother is a full time job, I can't just stop for my benefit. My children became my first priority since I came to the realization that I was pregnant. I simply cannot just get up and leave for a matter of days and then get back to mothering. That's not how it works. I gave him a disapproving look, my hand on my hip.

"Don't give me that look." Frank shook his head, sliding his feet across the floor to Riley's activity bouncer, setting him in and giving him a goofy smile. His grey cardigan was unbuttoned, showing a black shirt underneath.

"I can't just take a break from mothering, Frank." I sounded annoyed, bending down and picking up two infant toys from the blue, pink and white quilt that was vastly spread out on the floor. Frank stepped closer to me, his hand on resting on the small of my back, the warmth of his palm reaching my back as I was now standing up right.

"You need to be healthy in order to raise children. You need to take time to relax." He stared at me in an austere manner, his words soaked in concern and kindness making me perceive his statement as a truthful one.

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