Chapter 21: You

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Some months later: August 1996

Brittany's P.O.V.

There was a live show happening at Saint Andrew's Hall this night. It was featuring one of the two best emcees I knew in Detroit: Eminem and Proof.

The most exciting part of this was that it was similar to an actual concert. A real audience, actual fans, paying for a ticket to come out and watch these two along with other featured artists; some of who I already knew. I was happy because this showed they had a good hand of followers in the heart of the city who would be willing to come out and support them.

Marshall and DeShaun didn't do a show often. Maybe they did a few times before. So this one, their newest one after how far they've gotten this passing time, was going to be unforgettable.

I was on my way backstage to meet up with the boys in order to wish them luck and the best. It was about thirty minutes until showtime. As I made my way, I noticed the place was filling up with a reasonable amount of people. It wasn't to a point where it was packed but it wasn't where it was empty, either. It was full to the point it got me hyped up for them.

When I finally got to the back, I was greeted in the most hilarious way. Marshall was scooping me up in giant hugs, being silly but cute as usual. I think he was extra pumped. DeShaun, as well, by the way he sounded.

"How are you guys, almost ready?" I added to their enthusiasm, keeping it going; cheering them on, giving them the boost they needed for the big night.

They both exclaimed together, adding along how they were feeling, which, "Excited, but nervous," they replied saying. I kept on giving Marshall pecks and kisses, telling him he was going to do well. Which I couldn't see him not doing; DeShaun the same.

I noticed the whole time that they looked so fit and handsome. Maybe they'd begun hitting up the gym, or something. But whatever it was (no matter), I was honestly proud to be a friend of theirs. A lot of excitement's entered my life, turned it around ever since they got into my life, funnily. But I loved it. I wouldn't take back or change it for anything in the world.

Now, it was five minutes until. Marshall told these last words before he was about to hop on out: "Hey, I got a surprise for you at the end—be ready for it."

I was completely confused, a little eager, mixed in feeling. A surprise?

"Just wait and see," he called back, answering my thoughts. I also caught DeShaun winking at me.

I rolled my eyes, but as I did, I heard the audience chanting from outside. The two were up; I yelled my last words at them. "Break a fucking leg!" I wished wholeheartedly, smirking.

With a last back wave from them both, off they went.

I watched the entire time, the whole thing, from backstage. I'd peep out into the audience now and then and saw that they were the most energetic, including some of the other guys on stage who were Bizarre, Denaun, and more. I found myself bobbing my head and dancing freely at the sick verses each of the fellas were laying, and I'd even applause a little whether I was even heard or not; and it seemed like the audience was having the time of their lives.

An hour and a half went by and eventually, it was about time for them to end the show, sadly. Usually DeShaun would be the one to speak to the crowd (since he's always host) so I was surprised when Marshall was currently doing all the talking. It seemed unlikely of him. Maybe they were switching roles for the night. Was he going to close it?

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