Chapter 8: W.T.P.

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Brittany's P.O.V.

After a fun car ride with DeShaun and Eminem, we arrived outside the rave. We got out of the car, me extra excited for some reason.

We stood in line, went past security, all the necessary procedures. Once done with that, we finally made it inside.

When I stepped in, looking around me, I became astounded like none other. Techno and trance was blaring and the lights were flashing, nothing but lasers and streaming rainbow colored beams everywhere. This was nothing like the club I worked at. I thought wrong. This was ten times better.

While we were still in the quiet part of it, I heard Em tell me and DeShaun that he was going to be right back, him turning around and leaving briefly after that. Finding that strange, I turned to DeShaun, speaking over the music. I brought up a new topic, just the two of us talking alone. "This is amazing," I shouted.

"Ain't it?" DeShaun said back.

I smiled in agreement to him.

I saw him look around next, eyes searching for if Em was anywhere nearby. When not, DeShaun leaned into me. "Aye, can I talk to you?"

I nodded, looking at him seriously, blocking out the music.

He continued. "You know Em really likes you? He's been looking a little troubled and I didn't want to bring it up in front of him. It's getting me worried. Can you spend the night with him alone? It'd cheer him up."

"Oh?" I said, questioningly. "Uh, yeah, sure..."

"Do you got feelings for him in return?" he asked next, careful.

I hesitated. "Um, well... there was actually something I wanted to tell you firs—"

"Hey," I heard interrupt, making my heart jolt. Em had come back, shoving past people to get to where we were.

DeShaun patted him, whispering some things in his ear, while I awkwardly stood there stuck mid-sentence. After, DeShaun said a few things to us out loud. "Think I'm going to go around by myself. You both enjoy yourselves," he wished us, excusing himself.

I just nodded solemnly at him as I watched him go, him leaving Em and I there. I turned to Em, smirking. I recalled DeShaun's words—Em already had a lot he had to deal with; I didn't want him to suffer through more shit. Just this one night to make him feel better would probably ease him of that. I struck up a conversation in a happy-spirited tone. "Where'd you go?" I asked curiously.

"Getting these," he reached into his pocket, cautiously revealing colored pills in the palm of his hand. I knew what they were immediately—Ecstasy pills. "Here," he offered.

"Oh... it's not really my thing," I turned him down.

He paused. "You ever try before?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"The feeling you get when you roll is fucking fantastic," he was suggesting, however, not pressuring it. "Are you sure?"

I did something different. Something crazy different I wouldn't normally do. But the look in his sparkling, fine eyes gave me this sudden change of heart. "I'll take a few. Try me."

He looked super pleased after I said that. Quickly and secretly grabbing a few from him, I went and popped the few pills, him downing the rest of them himself. 

I wasn't feeling anything at first. I guess it had to take a while to kick in. I was pulling on Em's arm, though, wanting to go to the center of the party where the music was loud and the lights were the craziest. "Dance with me?"

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