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"S̸A̶Y̴ ̴I̴T̵!̶" He glanced back up at me and grinned. "S̶A̶Y̷ ̸I̸T̸!̶ ̵I̵ ̸w̷a̸n̴t̴ ̴t̶o̴ ̴h̶e̸a̸r̴ ̷i̵t̸ ̴o̷n̸e̴ ̵l̷a̵s̶t̵ ̴t̸i̶m̴e̴.̵"

"You're a monst..." I punched him and his head slammed back again.

"I̶.̷.̴.̷" I grabbed him again and punched him a second time. "..̸.̶a̷m̴.̴.̵." make that three punches. ".̷.̶.̵n̵o̵t̵.̷.̶.̴" and a fourth. ".̷.̶.̴a̵ ̸f̶u̶c̴k̸i̶n̵g̸.̵.̶.̸" and another. ".̶.̸.̸ ̶M̸O̷N̴S̸T̵E̸R̷!̵" I went to punch him again when this pair of arms wrapped themselves around me, pulling mine away. I screamed bloody murder and kicked as I struggled against the person. "L̷E̵T̵ ̸M̵E̴ ̴G̶O̵!̸ ̷I̵ ̶H̸A̸V̶E̷ ̸T̸O̶ ̷F̸I̴N̸I̵S̵H̷ ̵T̶H̸I̸S̷!̴"

"He's already out, Virgil. He's unconscious. You've won!" I bit down on the persons arm and they cried out, letting me go. I brought my elbow down into their side and the doubled over coughing up shit as they gagged. I grabbed his head and brought it down on my knee and watched he fell back in complete shock and pain. That's when I noticed who it was. It was the imposter Roman. Of course, it was the imposter Roman. I grabbed the pipe and tightened my grip until my knuckles turned white. "Virgil, you're..."

"S̶H̴U̸T̷.̷.̴.̵ ̸I̸T̵!̷" The pipe burst into flames and he started to try to get away. I held the pipe up above my head and brought it down as fast and as hard as I could, only to freeze unable to actually hurt him. I tried again and again but always at the last moment, I would stop. "D̵A̸M̷N̴ ̵I̴T̶!̴" Roman dropped his arms and looked at me with concern. It only pissed me off more. That isn't Roman. It's not real. YOU'RE NOT REALLY HIM! I grabbed him by the collar and poised myself to punch him. But still... I couldn't move. He just stared at me with this loving expression. It broke me. Why... Why would you look at me like that? Why, when you know I want to kill you?

Because he loves us...

"S̴h̴u̸t̶ ̷u̶p̷.̶" Roman narrowed his eyes in confusion as I went to hit him again but nothing. It's like my body freezes. It's not listening to me.

You can't hurt him...

"S̴h̴u̸t̶ ̷u̶p̷.̶"

I won't let you...

"S̴H̶U̸T̸ ̴U̷P̸!̸ ̵S̷H̷U̴T̷ ̸U̴P̷!̷ ̵S̵H̴U̷T̴ ̵U̷P̵!̶" I screamed gripping my hair as I fell back freaking out like I was burning alive. "J̴u̴s̶t̴ ̸s̶h̷u̷t̸ ̸t̶h̵e̵ ̷f̵u̶c̷k̴ ̸u̴p̶,̶ ̸V̶i̴r̸g̷i̷l̷!̴"

I won't let you hurt Roman...

"I̶t̴'̶s̸ ̶n̷o̸t̸ ̵R̷o̸m̶a̷n̸!̸ ̵R̶o̵m̷a̷n̸s̵ ̸d̵e̶a̷d̴.̵ ̵H̸e̶ ̷d̵i̸e̵d̶.̶ ̶T̷h̵a̷t̷ ̴s̶n̸a̴k̸e̵ ̸k̶i̴l̵l̵e̴d̴ ̶h̸i̸m̷.̶ ̵T̵h̶i̴s̷ ̶i̸s̴ ̵n̸o̸t̷ ̶h̸i̸m̸.̷ ̴H̷e̴'̶s̴ ̵a̵ ̸f̶a̸k̶e̸.̷ ̶A̵n̶ ̵i̷m̸p̷o̴s̴t̷e̴r̷.̵ ̶I̶ ̷w̶o̷n̶'̸t̴ ̷b̸e̷ ̶f̴o̴o̴l̵e̵d̵.̴ ̵I̸ ̵w̷o̴n̸'̶t̶ ̶l̶e̸t̸ ̷t̷h̸e̵m̷ ̸t̶r̸i̷c̴k̴ ̸m̴e̴.̷ ̶R̷O̶M̷A̷N̸'̶S̷.̵.̵.̸"

"Right here." I froze as Roman walked over and knelt down beside me. "I'm right here."

"N̶-̴N̷o̵.̴.̷.̸ ̸Y̵-̸Y̷o̷u̸'̴r̷e̵ ̸n̸o̶t̸.̷.̵.̷ ̸Y̵o̷u̵'̶r̶e̷.̴.̸.̸" He shook his head and pulled me into his lap holding me tightly. "N̵o̶.̴.̵.̴ ̴S̷t̸o̷p̶.̵ ̴L̵e̴t̴ ̵m̶e̵ ̴g̷o̵.̴.̷.̶ ̶L̴e̶t̴ ̷m̶e̸.̴.̴.̸" My eyes went wide as his lips touched mine. He pulled me in tightly and held me as he kissed me hard. I struggled against him. I fought. Don't give in. It's not him. It's not... It's...

The red vanished from my vision and I wrapped myself around him, causing us both to fall back. I pulled away and saw the tears in his eyes. He was crying. My heart raced as I reached out. He flinched slightly and a wave of guilt crashed into me. He must hate me. He's seen... He knows the real me now... I even hurt him. I... Oh god. I felt so sick to my stomach.

"Virgil?" I jumped back ignoring the pain all over and pushed myself far away from him. He sat up with this worry in his eyes and throat closed. I choked back the tears and cries. I don't deserve to feel bad. I hurt him. I gave in to my insanity and it took over. "Virgil."

"D̶o̸.̷.̵.̶" I slammed my hand over my mouth with wide eyes, wincing at the pain. My voice was still glitching. STOP GLITCHING! Stop... Roman took a step forward and I threw a small rock at him. He dodged and he just looked so sad. "D̸-̷D̸o̶.̴.̶.̷n̸'̴t̶.̸.̴.̴" I shook my head feeling the tears start to fall. The glitching wouldn't go away. I covered my mouth with both hands this time as if that could keep the glitch from being heard. Pathetic right?

"Virgil, stop." I shook my head and felt a hand touch mine. I opened my eyes to see Roman kneeling in front of me. His hand was on mine and I just stared at him with such fear. He started to pull my hands away from my mouth and I shook my head. "Virgil." He shot me this stern look and I let my hands drop away. He reached out caressing my cheek and I felt my body warm up again at his touch. "You don't ever have to hide your voice from me."

"B̴-̶B̶u̸t̵.̶.̵.̸" He pulled my head in close and I melted into the sound of his heartbeat. The tears were immediate. I gripped his shirt so tight my knuckles when white and I just sat there wracked with sobs. "Y̷o̵u̷ ̷r̶e̷a̶l̸l̵y̴ ̴a̴r̴e̸ ̸a̸l̷i̸v̵e̸.̷"

"Of course, I am, Virgil. I'm alive. I'm safe. I'm..." He winced in pain again and I frowned moving away.

"Y̷o̸u̴'̷r̴e̶ ̴h̷u̸r̴t̷.̸" 

"Now don't go blaming yourself." I shook my head and he frowned. I watched as he glanced over at Janus. "Virgil... Do you trust me?"

"S̴h̸o̵u̸l̶d̷n't ̶I̴ ̴b̶e̶ ̵a̷s̴k̴i̸n̵g̵ ̵t̶h̸a̷t̸?̶ ̵I̷ ̴a̵m̸ ̸t̴h̴e̸ one ̴i̶n̷s̴a̶n̶e̸ ̶h̷e̶r̵e̵.̷" I laughed at myself and Roman shot me this stern look. 

"Do you trust me?" I nodded and he leaned in. "Thank you."

"W̸h̷a̴.̶.̸.̸" He kissed me again and this time it was like the world around me disappeared in the black. Before I even knew what had happened I was out. Sleep pulled me in faster than it ever did before.

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