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(-Jieun's pov-)
I just read the news about the killer..and its happen at the park near my house..Why did I live here..and ALONE?

"This world is not safe anymore.."

But save or not,class is calling.

As a student on medic,EVERYDAY IS STUDY.

I wish I was a rock.

After done whining and sighing,I get out and lock the door.


I can see my university gate now..But I kinda feel like someone is watching me..do I have sixth sense or maybe...


Nah..just a felling..but deep in my heart,I just wish for someone to kidnap me and I will not attend the school!Yay!


(-???'s pov-)

This morning,I just saw a person..who looks exactly like her..am I dreaming?

(-Jieun's pov-)
After done the last class of my day,I was greeted by Eunhee and Renjun.

"Yyaahhhhhh"Renjun yell while running.

"Yah!You will fall!"And eunhee yell behind him.

So I step aside and Renjun need a emergency break.

And he fall.

"ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ"Me and eunhee laugh as loud as chenle.

While renjun was pouting like a chikd who dont get his chocolate.

"Jieun,you will walk alone?This late?"Eunhee ask me.

"Yeah..probaly..or..you want to accompany me?"

"My house is one different way gurl.."

"I didnt have a dream that you will walk me home.Neither did Renjun."

"I am busy..If I am not,why did eunhee always walk alone?"Renjun whined.

"You are busy with JENOOO"Eunhee start to tease he.

"Yah!Get a room..my eyes hurt."


Walk alone is never a good idea.I meant it everyone.NEVER DID THAT.IF YOU LOVE YOUR FAMILY AND NCT PLEASE WALK WITH A FRIENDS.

Why today's night feel so..chilly.

I try to distracted myself by singing a song.

"We so young!we so freaky!"

Then I can feel someone heat behind me.

And its feel closer....and closer..


"Excuse me?"

My blood just drop.

I stood there froze.WHAT TO DO OH MY GOD.

"N...n-nae?"With the leftover powers I had,I slowly facing the voice.

"May I ask where is conventional store?"

Ah..just a man with a mask and brown hair.

"A-ah..You just have to walk straight and then turn left.."

"Ahhh 고마워요.."

Even though he was wearing a mask,I can saw that his eyes is smiling.


"Erm..o-okay..I will get going.."I excuse myself.

"Wait!What is your name?"He stop me.

"Han jieun.."


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