Chapter 10

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A/N: I realized that there seems to be smut in every chapter. Should I be embarrassed? Well, I'm not. Here you go! Enjoy!


On the day of my last show for the album promo I was ecstatic. All the shows had gone amazing. I loved performing, loved it to hear the fans sing along - and they actually did, after only a couple of weeks of the album being released - their reactions made this so worth it.

I was hyped when I got off stage, grinning and jumping, full of energy. I knew I had to go party somewhere. I had heard of a club that I had wanted to go to for quite some time and thought tonight was perfect. It wasn't very known and from what I had heard it wasn't very large, but more intimate. I liked that.

Since Niall, Louis and Liam had to work in the morning, I had decided to go there by myself this time. I took a cab to the place and when I arrived I went straight for the bar and ordered a whiskey and once I had the drink in my hand, I moved closer to the dance floor. I was nodding along to the low beat of the music that was playing, letting my eyes glide over the people moving their bodies to the rhythm. It was mesmerizing. I could feel the beat seep into my bones, the alcohol was settling in my veins and making me feel carefree and serene.

But when my eyes fell onto a familiar head of curls I did a double take. The flickering lights were illuminating his pale skin, which was covered in a light sheen of sweat. From what I could see he was wearing a sheer black shirt, only half buttoned, displaying the swallows and moth tattoos perfectly. The fabric was clinging to his skin, emphasizing how broad his shoulders were. He had his head thrown back, his eyes closed. It was the most beautiful I had ever seen him. His hips were swaying to the music and from time to time he moved a hand through his hair to get it out of his face.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was a vision. I started imagining what it would be like if I just walked up to him, wrapped him in my arms and moved with him to the beat of the music. I was longing to touch him, to finally feel him against me.

I downed my drink and definitely needed another one. So I walked towards the bar, my eyes constantly going back to the beautiful man on the dance floor. He seemed to be by himself as well, just being, just enjoying. I envied that. When I reached the bar I quickly ordered another whiskey and turned around again to look for Harry, but this time I couldn't see him. My eyes were searching the club for him, but he was nowhere to be found. I huffed and turned around when my drink was placed onto the bar in front of me. I took a long sip and let the liquid burn my throat, closing my eyes.

All of a sudden I felt two arms wrapping themselves around my torso and I felt lips moving against my ear.

"You were watching me," he said, slurring the words slightly. He must have been here for a while already, enjoying a few drinks.

I felt a shiver run through me as I felt his hard body pressed against my back. One of his hands was holding my hip, the other was splayed across my abs, keeping me close to him.

"I saw you watching me," he continued. "Did you like what you saw?"

I downed my drink quickly, perhaps a bit too quickly, before turning around in his arms. He was even more beautiful up close. He took my breath away. I couldn't help myself, I just had to touch him. I pushed one hand into his hair and moved it away from his face. He leaned into the touch, closing his eyes.

"Harry," I breathed, pulling him towards me and burying my face in his neck, breathing in his intoxicating scent. I had dreamed of doing that for so long now. I pulled him close to me, not ever wanting to let go of him again. He moved his hands up and down my back and I knew I had to let him go, before I devoured him in front of each and every person in this club. So I did, quickly turned around and ordered another whiskey. I drank that one in one swallow, immediately feeling it going to my head.

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