Chapter 39

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Uproar Festival - 2013.

I stopped running and realized I’ve gone a little too far; to the Jagermeister stage. The crowds were swelling with moshpits as a band called Sick Puppies was on the stage. Shit. Their songs were so loud that I can’t think straight. What did I just see? Is Matt getting back to his ex? Why were they embracing each other like he missed being with her?

Fuck, this dejavu was slowly getting back at me and eating me inside. I knew that our relationship is too good to be true! He wouldn’t just simply forget about his ex-wife just like that, would he? Shit, why am I so stupid?

“Lzzy? You’re Lzzy Hale right?”

I paused from pulling my hair and turned around. A few fans from the Jagermeister crowd were eyeing me intently and they gasped when their guess was confirmed. I smiled and waved at them despite my pounding head.

“Oh my God! We love you so much! Can you sign my shirt??”

“Uh, sure.”

I took their pen and started signing, my mind totally gone elsewhere until one of them asked;
“Is it true that you’re dating M.Shadows from A7X?”

“Yeah, Lzzy. Is it true? Cause if it is, that’s so awesome! You guys are so perfect for each other!”

Well, damn. How did they know about this? We tried to be as discreet as we could…

“Where do you get this idea..?” I laughed, trying to hide the burning fire.

“The internet now is rampage with pictures of you and Shadows. You guys holding hands in public, and some guy posted on his blog that he once saw you guys were ‘doing it’. Is it true? Is it true??”

Shit. Shit. Shit. Matt said he had settled the thing with the witness but clearly he didn’t!

“What..? That’s bull. Me and M.Shadows? I wish..but no, girls. We’re not.”

“Aww man..if you guys are together, we’re totally fine with it.”

I chuckled bitterly and excused myself from there. I couldn’t go back to the main stage, so I ran back to the bus. Everybody was out checking performance because our show was scheduled for tomorrow night. Tonight Avenged Sevenfold is going to perform on stage so I thought I’d watch it. I never thought that I would find Matt…with his ex..embracing like that.

“Lzzy! Where have you been?”

I looked to my left. RJ was running up to me with Joanna in his arms. I was about to step inside the bus.

“Jager stage. Why?”

“Matt is calling for you. ON THE FUCKING STAGE.”


“Yeah. He said he wouldn’t start the show until you come up.”

I stared at him; he can’t be serious, right? Matt wouldn’t do that kind of thing! Besides, who am I to stand right on the stage next to him?

“GO THERE. NOW. The fans are going to throw a fit.”

“Shit. Why would he do that?”

“I dunno. But you need to go there.”

Damn it Matt! What are you trying to proof here?



I heard the crowd chanted my name as I walked curiously in the backstage. I saw Matt’s ex was there and as soon as I walked closer to her, surprisingly she gave me a smile. What?? You’re happy now you got him back?

“Hi Lzzy. I’m sorry for everything that happened 10 years ago. I didn’t realize that he’s madly in love with you. I’m too dumb to even ask him to marry me. Believe me, he didn’t propose. He just asked for my parents’ permission and then we got married.”

“Wait, what?”

“I’m Valary, and you up to the stage by the way.”


I heard Matt ranted over his microphone and butterflies roamed inside my stomach. Out of happiness? Out of anxiety? Or out of love for him?

“So..does that guys aren’t..?” I asked hesitantly.

“Pftt! No we’re not! I think the divorce is the best thing that’s ever happened to him. I never saw him this happy before and he NEVER called me up on stage. Well, except to sing Art of Subconscious Illusion.”

I can’t help my wide grin as Valary pushed me to the stage and I was handed a microphone by one of the roadies.

“Here you go, Lzzy.” He said and I smiled at him. As soon as I walked to the center stage I saw Brian and Zacky was lounging at the drum platform and that kid, Arin was smashing his cymbals in order to let the crowds went nuts again with my name.

Johnny was the first one that saw me. He immediately pulled me into a hug followed by the loudest applause from the crowds.

“LOOK WHO'S HERE.” Johnny said into the microphone and I stood there beside him, staring at Matt. He stared right back at me with his sexy adorable dimpled smile.

“FINALLY WE CAN GET TO WORK.” Brian said into his microphone seconds after me and Matt froze into each other’s gaze.

“LZZY, MY BEAUTIFUL. COME HERE.” Matt announced on the mic and the crowds yelled loudly. Shit I just said to the fans at Jager stage that I’m not dating him. He wanted to spill everything tonight? I walked closer until I was standing next to him, with my heart beating as fast as ever.

“ALRIGHT HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE READ ABOUT OUR JUICY GOSSIPS ON THE INTERNET?” Matt asked the crowds and I think all of them raised their hands in the air. Oh shit Matt…don’t fucking start..

“TONIGHT I WANT ALL OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS TO KNOW THAT LZZY HALE,” he grabbed my waist with one arm skillfully and I bumped into his side. “- AND ME IS OFFICIALLY DATING.”

They yelled, screamed, applauded but my head was blank. All I did was staring at him with my mouth dropped. He pulled the mic away for a second and whispered to me;

“I’m sorry you saw what you saw, but Val and I merely reconciled as friends. I couldn’t find you so I had to call you out.”

“What happen to keeping this as a secret?”

“Too many witnesses, I can’t fight this anymore.”

“Fight what, Matt?”

He smiled and gazed deeply into my eyes. “That I love you, Lzzy.”

Goddamn. My heart instantly melted when his voice softly rang in my ears, along with his hefty breath. After that a sound of piano appeared, giving cue that they’re gonna perform now. Oh shit, I love this song! I’ve always sing this song in my shower!

“SO LZZY HALE, MY BABY. WOULD YOU DO THE HONOR TO SING ACID RAIN WITH ME?” Matt asked on the microphone as Brian started the touchingly beautiful riff.


God, why do I feel like he’s proposing to me?

Our day has come…It’s drawn in the sky…So don’t shed a tear now…Be thankful for the time..”He sang with his majestic voice and paused, telling me that I should take the next part.

Life wouldn’t be so precious dear if it never was an end..”

Then on chorus we sang together and I sang a few octaves higher as the backing vocal, harmonizing my voice with him.

Children still play in the garden..Dance as the sun slips away..”

I continued singing on the second verse as he wrapped his arm around my waist tighter. I can’t stop my tears from flowing when he kissed my hair in front of these 60 thousand people, claiming me as his own.

“Matt, I love you.”

I whispered to him when Brian was working his magic on the solo. Matt smiled down at me and kissed my lips. The crowds yelled and applauded again, a blessing for us, I hope.

Send us home..”

A/N: the real Lzzy Hale actually wanted to sing Acid Rain with technically i made her dream come true :)

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