Chapter 29

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Memphis, Tennessee - 2013

We were on our fourth venue for The Strange Case of Tour and Joe was still being awkward around me. He hadn't talked to me at all, not personally at least. When we were in front of RJ and Josh he would actually come up to me and discussed about new material for the new album and we were always writing on the road.

I noticed that he never laughed when he was around me anymore. But everytime Wesley made some awkward and weird jokes he would call her Weird Wesley and I can't help but wonder. Is there something going on between him and Wesley?

As for me and you know who, it's been 2 weeks since I agreed to date him but not once we've gone on a date. After ROTR, we parted ways just like that. Avenged Sevenfold left a little earlier than us, so he just texted me in the morning we're supposed to leave for Oklahoma;

We're off to Kansas City. Wish you're here beside me. -Matt

I remembered getting all giddy up when I received that first text from him. Wesley was a bit disturbed in her sleep but I didn't care. I went into the bathroom and texted him back.

Safe journey. We're off to Oklahoma in 2 hours. Wish you're here too. -Lzzy

God, this secret affair was making me excited. After that, we kept texting each other. Sometimes he would call, but I had to take the call a bit far away from my band mates. Especially Joe. I don't want to hurt him since we've just broken up.

I sighed and looked around the moving bus. We were 30 minutes away from our venue in Memphis Minglewood Hall, and everybody was busy doing their own stuff. RJ was skyping with Jesse, Josh was playing his bass guitar and I saw Joe was talking quietly with Wesley in the kitchenette, from my bunk. I gave up waiting for Matt's text today - maybe he was too busy - and got out of my bunk, approaching them.

Joe was smiling at what Wesley said, and I was curious to what were they talking about. Wesley saw me getting near and she quickly drew back from Joe. Joe spun around and I watched his facial expression changed.

"Hey you guys."

Wesley smiled tightly at me and brought out a sandwich which she had been making for the past couple of minutes with Joe.

"Hey Lzzy." She waved awkwardly and left the both of us there. Joe started to walk past me but I blocked his way.

"Joe, let's talk."

He rolled his eyes. "About what?"

"About us. About you and Wesley."

"What? What about me and Wesley?"

"You guys are getting pretty close to each other."

He smirked and crossed his arms on his chest. "And that bothered you because?"

I widened my eyes at him. Feeling a little taken aback by his crude response.

"It doesn't. I'm just curious. When did you guys become this close?"

"Why do you even care?" he huffed and walked right past me, slamming my shoulder until I was forced to move to the side. Oh God, where did my best friend go? I don't know this guy anymore. Without knowing a tear dropped to my cheek and I ran to my bunk, pulling up the curtain and cried on the pillow.


"Lzzy, Lzzy."

I fluttered open my eyes. The first thing I saw was my parent's picture that I pasted on the wall of my bunk. I turned around.

"My God, what happen to you?" RJ said, sitting down at the edge of my bunk bed. I always take the lowest bunk so that I could have easy access to it although it will be the most disturbed place to sleep ever.

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