Chapter 15

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Central Park Zoo, NY – 2013

“Mommy! Look at that polar bear! Aww he’s so sad..why is he sad?”

I approached Joanna and studied the polar bear behind my aviators. I had to disguise myself by wearing these sunglasses, a baseball cap and a hoodie on my head. A disguise I imitated from someone.

“Maybe he’s sick. What’s his name?”

Joanna tiptoed to the information stand but still couldn’t reach it. I want to pick her up but then a pair of hands took her by the underarms and lifted her up to his shoulder.

“Joe, hey!”

He smiled at me. Joanna giggled and wrapped her small arms around his neck.

“Hey, girls.” He greeted and gave a quick kiss on my lips.

“Glad you can make it. They let you off early?” I asked, referring to the interview on guitars that he had to do since this morning.

“Yeah. I said I have an important thing to attend so,” he shrugged and bent down a little to let Joanna read the information stand better. He read it for her, since she wasn’t that good in reading yet and I saw the whole thing as adorable. Joanna called me mommy, because to her, I’m her second mom and I practically raised her when RJ and Jessie were busy being young. She’s my sweetheart and I would do anything for her.

“What do you say?”

“Hm?” I snapped out from my short thoughts and gazed at Joe. He put his sunglasses on Joanna thus leaving him exposed.

“Let’s go grab a bite after this. I’m freaking hungry.”

“I’m hungry too!” the little munchkin yelled. I smiled at them and nodded.

“Anything you say, little monster.”


I can’t believe Joe picked this place for lunch. Not that I don’t like it here, but it was kind of inappropriate for kids to come here. Loud sound of rock music, alcohol beverages being served and a lot of tattooed strangers mingled around. Hard Rock Hotel Café.

I glanced at one corner that brought all memories back in an instant. There was a drumkit being displayed there, with a huge poster of the drummer behind it and I couldn’t help but stare. My eyes were getting teary but I held them back, trying not to embarrass myself in public.

“You okay, Lzzy?”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “Why here, Joe?”

“Why not?”

“You know very well that this place is not suitable for kids.”

“Um, as far as I know, people bring their children here all the time.”

“But the music? The alcohol?”

Joe chuckled and settled himself behind a table with Joanna sitting next to him. Jeez! Sometimes I can’t stand this guy. Though he’s my boyfriend, my best friend and not to mention my guitarist but sometimes his sensitivity would narrow down to zero I’d tell you that.

“Relax, Lzzy. You just hate being here because of that kit. You need to get over them. It’s been 10 years.”

Shit. That sentence just ate me up like a flesh-eating worm or something. I avoided coming down here because, well yeah, first, that drumkit and second because I might bump into anyone here. And I mean anyone.

“Joey, I want to go to the bathroom.” We heard Joanna cooed and Joe immediately turn to me. I forced a smile and held out my hand to her. We walked to the ladies room with Enter Sandman from Metallica blared loudly through the speaker. Joanna didn’t seem to mind – well since she had been following us on tour all the time along with her mother. She practically had been raised by rock and metal music around her.

Me, however got annoyed by the tune. Because it brought me back to that night on Metallica’s concert. Where I could still feel the warmth of his embrace around me, his playful teasing and his dimpled smile.

Shit, get a hold of yourself Lzzy!

“Mommy, you wait outside!”

“Oh, but I have to follow you-”

“I know now, mama teach me! You wait outside!”

“Alright alright.” I held op both palms and let her go into the bathroom alone. I wonder how long did it take for Jessie to teach her how to use the toilet.

I crossed my arm on my chest and waited, when suddenly a small figure of a boy came running towards me – well probably wanting to go to the men’s room – and he toppled over. I quickly approached him.

“Oh honey, are you okay?”

I picked him up and stood him properly until he smiled at me, with a set of deep dimples on both of his cheek. This kid is fucking adorable!

“Are you lost? You wanna go to the bathroom?”

He nodded. I looked around, there was no sign of his guardian near me.

“Where’s your mommy and daddy?”

He opened his mouth and about to answer me, when suddenly a voice called in a panic motion.

“River! Don’t wander off without me! You said you wanna look at uncle Jim-”

I looked up. He looked down. Both eyes bulged in horror, mouth dropped apart.

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