Chapter 23

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(Matt's POV)

ROTR, Monster Energy Stage - 2013

Brian and Johnny, will forever bullying that kid. It had something to do with what Arin said, and they just continued to make fun of him. Be it his hair, his skinny feature or his lazy and laid back style – they will always find a point to make fun of him.

“Johnny, you’re just happy because we’re not making fun of your height anymore.”

I blended in, trying not to look like I was listening to Halestorm up front too much.

“Yeah Jawny, we’re actually forgot about that. Have you gotten taller?” Brian slurred, holding a beer can in his hand and he laughed together with the guys from Stone Sour.

“You guys are no different than us. We make fun of each other all the time.”

“Now you stay out of this Corey.” Johnny started to protest. I shook my head at them and noticed that with Freak Like Me, Halestorm ended their performance. Once their drummer, Arejay entered backstage, we all clapped for them, giving our support. He and the bassist bowed and hugged with almost all of us, but I was looking for the frontwoman of the band, Lzzy.

Oh there she was. I was about to call her but then I saw she rushed on and grabbed the hand of the guitarist. Joe, or to be exact, her husband. They ran off somewhere under the metal stairs and disappeared behind the wall. And I just had to close my eyes.

Was Lzzy feeling horny on stage or what? God, that damn guitarist was lucky to have her. If she was mine, I would be ready to satisfy her needs everytime we’re off the stage because to be honest sometimes I get a boner on stage too. Not for sexual reasons, though.

“Matt, we wanna head back to the hotel. You’re coming?”

I opened my eyes and Zacky was talking straight to me. “Sorry, what?”

“I said we’re heading back. You wanna come?”

“Um, I think I’m gonna hang here for a bit.”

Zacky shrugged and off he went with Brian, Johnny and Arin. I hung around, greeting my old friends from Three Days Grace and I even took a brave step to approach the guys of Halestorm. I noticed there was a girl with them - bespectacled with curly brown hair.

“Oh!” she squealed when she saw I was coming over. Both Arejay and the bassist turned to me.

“Hi guys.”

“Heyy Matt!” Arejay hugged me tightly since we knew each other way back.

“Hey Arejay. Congrats for the Golden Gods.”

“Thanks man. You’re alone? Where are the others?”

“They headed back to the hotel already. How are you guys? I mean, wow. You guys have finally made it through. Grammy too! Amazing!”

“We’re good. Thanks again, dude. Well, we just kept doing what we did 10 years ago. Oh damn, where are my fucking manners. This is Josh, our bassist. And this is um..what’s your name again, Wesley?”

The girl laughed and snorted. “Duh, you just said it.”

“Uh yeah, I just wanna hear you do that snort thing. This is Wesley, our tour manager. Don’t mind her, she’s a bit craaazyy.” Arejay whispered at the very last part and I laughed. Why do I feel like the two of them are made for each other?

“Wow, you guys sure will make a cute couple.”

Both Arejay and Wesley limped. They stunned and blinked at me. Josh burst out laughing suddenly and I furrowed my brows. Did I say something wrong?

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