Chapter 20

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Columbus, Ohio - ROTR 2013

The 7 pm wind blew on my face and let my hair swayed softly as I stood on the balcony of my room, way up on the 13th floor facing the view of Columbus city. The traffic filled with honking noises here and there, eating up silence when that was the only thing I'm trying to find right now. The gang's all here, waiting for a phone call from Kiss FM to interview us about the festival which had started since today.

"Hey, RJ asked if he could have the beer in your fridge."

I quirked around and found Joe was standing next to me, resting his elbow on the balcony rail. I chuckled and sneered at him.

"Yeah he can do what he wants. As long as he pays for it."

"Hah. Better not tell him that or he'll buy the whole hotel."

I laughed. Yeah RJ and his money. He would buy the world if he can. Partly because we grew up in a manner that we both had to share our things, had to skip meal because we don't have that much money. Plus when we were on the road in the early days of Halestorm, we basically had to rent instruments until dad bought for us using his retirement fund. I smiled at that memory.

"So, what's up with us, really?" Joe began again after seeing me laughing and smiling to myself like an idiot.

"Us? What's up with us?"

"Yeah. What's up with us?"

"What is it that up with us?"

He rolled his eyes. "Lzzy don't twist my words. You know what I mean. You've been avoiding me ever since that day at the Hard Rock Hotel. Sometimes I get the feeling that when we kissed, you only do it for the show."

Woah. I definitely did not expect that from Joe. And to think he was saying all that in a calm motion, it's just...baffled me.

"No, Joe! What makes you think that?"

He let out a big sigh and leaned his back against the steel barrier.

"Then tell me why the hell are you still running from Matt?"

I knew I had to face this question from him sooner or later. I managed to avoid these situations from emerging so far but right now I had nowhere to run.

"Look, the thing and Matt..we-"

"Lzzy! It's on! Come on!"

Wesley called from the couch in the living room and I was saved by the bell again. I just hoped that Joe will let this go. But part of me felt like I owe him an explanation. A really good one.


After we finished the interview, the guys decided that they were going to grab dinner. I chose not to go because I wasn't feeling too well and also, I don't want to bump into someone that I shouldn't downstairs. Wesley wanted to stay with me but I encouraged her to go with the boys. She needed to blend in with them especially RJ since they both looked pretty awkward with each other's jokes.

They left about 20 minutes ago and I had done nothing but flipping through the TV channel where I finally stopped at Spongebob Squarepants rerun with my boxers and my oversized Scissor Happy tshirt on.

I was laughing at what Patrick said about his own mind mechanism when I heard a knock on my door. Wow, they're back early! And did Wesley forget her key or something? I flopped out bed and hurried to the door, unchaining the metal before I opened it.

A gush of wind blew me when somebody suddenly barged in and landed his lips on mine. Claiming me hungrily. Long haired, calloused hand and touching me all at the right places on my neck.

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