20 boring facts about Flo

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Nope this is 20 boring facts about me- the author. LOL. I'm a trol.. O_O

sooo.. Blame @_THELeiacorn_ for making you thinking this is an Update.. hahaha. Not. but hey this is a fun game and I'm bored so might as well do it.. Thank @_THELeiacorn_ for the tag.  Have some dragon pie!! *_*


who wants to read 20 facts about me?? haha. If you don't want to then don't *mehrong* omg.. I'm looking for some interesting facts about  me.. hmmm..

1. I'm a Filipina. Shout out to all pinoys out there! hello! kamusta? kamusta kamu da?? hahaha.. opps did I just give away my location?? LOL. I'm a pure blooded pinay but I'm sometimes mistaken for a spanish, korean, japanese or chinese.. O_O 

2. I own a green elephant.  ----> 
Isn't he adorable?? *squish* I brought him since I wanted my own Peanut like Flo has.. O_O He's name is Nomie..:)

3. I'm a Nurse. well by name mostly now.. hahaha.. 

4. My favorite books are mostly Sci-Fi, Suspense or Magic.  the irony of me not owning any romance novel and I'm writing a romance novel still mkes me laugh. but my favorite authors are all awesome.. if  you guys want to have inspiration for awesome plots for sci -fi and action go read them:
> Douglas Preston
> Linclon Child
> Arthur C. Clarke
> Robin Cook
> Mary Higgins Clark
> Dean R. Koontz

5. I am utterly in love with cars especially the Audi r8 Spyder. I'm not a fan of motorcycles though I love riding them as a passenger. I honestly prefer cars.. I plan to have all my characters love cars or own an R8 if they can.. hahaha

6. I fear mascots. like seriously.  Mascota-phobia anyone?? ahhaha.. It's so silly that I laugh at myself then crow or run away the minute I see one.. hence I do not like going to children's partys.. LOL.

7. my name means "bitter light of the peaceful ocean".  that's all you get. hahaha

8. This is gettig hard to do and I'm only on number 8. lol

9. I love anything that is sweet.. :) duh. who dosen't? endorphins baby!

10. Coffee addict raise your hand!  *waves hand enthusiastically*

11. I do listen to other kinds of music. I love Incubus, Green day, Paramore, Westlife. Mark Feehily is my first love ( and he broke my heart..*sob*) Brandon Boyd is my Dream guy before I meet TOP.LOL

12. I love stlying hair.  I do most of my hair colors, stylying it and I love doing it for others too..:) 

13. I own a ferocious but adorable puppy in my biased eyes. His name is Piyo and sadly he died so I guess his being a menace up above..:) hahaha. 

12. My sister is @blackwingzkises. talented and up coming graphics maker..:) She makes most of my covers..^^ 

13. Despite my age I still want to go to disney land.

14. I can usually predict an ending of a movie and it irritates most people. LOL. 

15. I own a s3. oh my gosh that was boring. hahaha.

16. I don't do sports. Nope. being an athlete is not my style. The only games I love are On Line RPGS ang temple run. hahaha.

17. I'm not a good critic.  like seriously. I'm a too biased reader.

18. I love watching foreign shows over shows from my country. I love love Glee, Gossip girl, House, small vile, Once upon a time and any Kdrama I can get my hands on. I love documentaries too!

19I Love History. I am morbidlly interested in Hitler, Stalin and that italian dude that hitler double crossed.  I'm also interested in Egypt and Imperial Russia. History fasicnates me..  what makes those people tick? why? why would they do what they did?

20.  I wanted to be an astronomer.  I still want to go to outer space.. Hey Kris leggo!! hahaha

hmmm that's 20 boring facts about me.. hahaha.. were you dying from boredom?? hahaha. 

tagging all of you awesome people.. hahaha. now it's your turn..:)

@blackwingzkises @korekrypta @HealingUnicornLay26 @Elise_HwuiYee @I_Like_Kiwi @AnnamarieOrcher @czavisdawn @_dear_my_dear_luhan_ @LoveStarEXO_Hyerin @chanhime @YifanForever @LelanOrquiola I don't know who else to tag so if you're reading this CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED!! BUWAHAHAHAH!

Update for the next chapter will be probablly next week tuesday,

Probably things to happen in the upcoming chapters
> Flo meets the parents
> The Namsan Date
> a posibble proposal.. by whom? let me know who your bets are. hahah
> Graduation 
> the decision.. to leave or to stay.
> The 26

and... will there be a sequel?? do you guys want it enough to make me reach 100k views before my birthday?? it's on the 29th of this month.. hahaha I'll consider that my birthday present..:) hahaha

and.. I have an upcoming story.. who wants to be a beta/test reader?? hahah.  

anyway.. enough about this.. LOL.

See yah!!

<3 <3 <3

who likes my green elephant?? hahaha

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