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Minho stood back up from the sofa and made his way towards the kitchen, knowing Jisung would be located there.

"Social studies?" Jisung scoffed amusingly. "Really?" He chuckled, letting Minho know that he had heard the conversation the other had shared with his mother. Of course, he did not believe Minho's lie at all.

Minho averted his eyes to wherever but Jisung, letting out a high pitched hum. "Mhm,"

"Minho, you don't take social studies," Jisung murmured, slightly questioning. He knew Minho's timetable and there wasn't any mention of social studies in the course he was following. How he got informed about any of this wasn't known by anyone. He might have just taken a picture of Minho's college - and course - information... Who knows?

Minho wasn't even going to ask any questions about the matter as he thought he might have told Jisung about the lessons he followed. He actually had no idea how the latter even knew this information. He can't remember telling him anything about it, but then again he's got a terrible memory. "Need some help?" He questioned, seeing Jisung doing everything by himself, he felt partly guilty.

A wide smirk appeared on Jisung's face as he saw through to Minho - only not far enough. He raised his eyebrows and let out a soft sounding chuckle. "Sure, can you dry those,"

Minho looked down, seeing the so-called washed plates he had to dry off and closed his eyes in disgust as he picked one up, ready to dry it. "Uhm... yeah, no, I cannot," He muttered, dropping the plate back into the water, it spilling a bit.

Jisung got some dirty water spilt on one of his favourite shirts. That one should probably be sorted in the garbage as of now. He groaned in annoyance. "Why not?"

Minho giggled. "You suck at doing dishes," The plates were still covered with sauce and so was the frying pan, that was the worst one. He shoved Jisung aside, switching places. Now he was redoing the dishes and Jisung had to dry them instead, under Minho's command.

"And you owe me a new shirt," Jisung talked back at Minho. The latter had stained his white shirt with multiple red spots as he had dropped that one plate back into the filthy water a few minutes ago.

The elder boy laughed it off, smirking slightly. "I'll buy you a new one, your birthday is near anyway," He said, cleaning every plate one by one.

Jisung snorted amusingly. "Yeah... No, it's not," He smiled widely. Of course, Minho knew when his birthday was, he just needed an excuse.

The blond boy took one of the plates in his hands as thunder was suddenly heard very loudly, starling him to death which caused him to drop the plate he was holding. It hit the ground and shattered into pieces.

He kneeled down really rapid and reached for the shards, only for Minho to stop him in doing so. He held Jisung's hands into his own, pulling him back up. "It's fine, I'll clean it up,"

While Jisung was now placing everything in the right cupboards, Minho was cleaning up the shards. When the blond boy wasn't looking, he slipped one of the many broken pieces into the front pocket of his jeans but clearing the floor of the rest.

Jisung looked down at Minho, feeling guilty of having broken something. "I'm really sorry,"

"It's fine, I know thunder is your biggest enemy," He muttered playfully, enlightening the situation.

A shy smile formed on Jisung's lips.


Minho was sat in his room, alone. He had changed into one of his comfortable hoodies since he wasn't going anywhere at this type of night. Rain was pouring down in the howling wind, thunder and lightning striking now and again.

He actually loved this kind of weather, he loved the rain. It helped clear up his mind and awakened a lot of emotion inside of him.

He sat in his bed, against the headboard as he was staring at the shard of the broken plate that he had slipped in his pocket earlier that evening. Why did he even take it with him? He knew why but was partly neglecting the matter.

The boy is either really excited and full of joy and energy or depressed and feeling down all of a sudden. Which many would define as being bipolar. Minho was bipolar. His mood changes are sometimes really obvious or go unnoticed, it depended on who he was with or if he was completely alone. Alone. How did he even become this way? That was the question he asked himself every day.

He wrapped his whole hand around the shard, suddenly squeezing it as thunder had struck again and startled him. Blood started dripping on his bottom sheet, so he tried to cover it as much as he could.

Jisung rushed into Minho's room, closing the door behind him and just standing there for a few minutes. He inhaled, shivers going through his whole body. "Can I stay here for the night?" He asked Minho.

Minho nodded understandingly, he knew how frightened Jisung was of this kind of weather. Ever since they were little. He had always been afraid of it.

He pulled his sweater paws over his hands - the shard still in his one hand - and covered them underneath his soft blanket.

Jisung watched as Minho did this, a questioning expression plastered on his face. He walked towards the other and sat down at the side of his bed. He squinted his eyes slightly and took ahold of Minho's arm, softly pulling them from under the blanket, revealing the stains of blood on his bed sheets and now also on his hoodie. A quite deep cut was made in his hand as he had squeezed the shard hardly while trying to hide it.

His eyes widened and began to water. He blinked rapidly as he tried to get rid of the waterworks that had developed. "W-what do you think you're doing?" He sounded hurt, because why would Minho ever harm himself.

"I need to tell you something," A pause interrupted. "I didn't mention it the last time I had an episode," Minho cleared his throat as one single tear ran along his cheek.

Confusion was all over the blond boy's face, he felt as if he didn't know his best friend anymore. Even though nothing had really changed, Minho had just always only shown one side of who he really was. "Episode?"

Minho inhaled and exhaled deeply. "I'm bipolar, Sung,"

Anddddd here comes another rollercoaster... Hehh.. when y'all thought it was going well it went downhill 👀 (not THAT much tho ;)

This is chapter 30. Thirtyyyyy, do you hear me??? Wowwww- I usually never write stories this long... And as I think of the fact that I published this at the beginning of February...wow time flies...

Q: I'm curious; is this story turning out the way you imagined? (If so; better or worse// in story way)

A: Yeppp, I actually for once have a plotline that I carry out... 👀

To be continued ;)

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