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Jisung kept turning around in his bed, pondering about what he had agreed on the night before, the so-called dare his friends had given him. He checked his phone, wanting to know how late it was, it being three in the morning already.

His thoughts were driving him crazy, and he figured they wouldn't go away anytime soon, so he frustratingly yanked his sheets off of him, took some warmer clothes out of his closet and walked out of his room, downstairs.

He put on his shoes and jacket and went outside. He was in need of some fresh air, although it wasn't fresh, it was cold. It had snowed so much the day before.

He looked at the heaps of snow and smiled. It hadn't snowed in ages. The last time it snowed, he remembered playing in it with Minho. He always won in a snowball fight.

Thinking about those precious memories made a smile appear on his face.

He looked up and exhaled deeply. His eyes widening as soon as he saw someone standing in front of him.

At first, he was just startled, but as soon as he realised who it was his eyes widened and froze, a hitch in his breath.

The person looked up as well, also being startled, not expecting to run into Jisung at this time of night at all.

"Minho," Jisung exhaled. "What are you doing here? I thought you were asleep," He frowned, being sure of the fact that Minho's bedroom door was closed and even if not, he hadn't heard the elder leave his room. He must have been really quiet on his way down.

Minho chuckled softly. "I could ask you the same thing," He stopped talking for a few seconds as his gaze averted towards the sky and the falling snow. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He said dreamily. "I just wanted some fresh air, I couldn't sleep."

"Me neither," Jisung said, relating to Minho's struggle of not being able to fall asleep. He also averted his eyes, in the same direction Minho had averted his to. "And yes, this is extremely beautiful." He had glanced back at Minho before returning his gaze to the sky.

They stood next to one another, both of them staring off into space as they got lost into their own memories.

It lasted minutes, they both appreciated quiet surroundings so they enjoyed it as long as it lasted.

"Remember when we used to play in the snow?" Minho finally spoke up.

"I was just thinking about that actually," He chuckled, also remembering how it ended every time.

They used to play in the snow for hours when they were kids. They would hold snowball fights, build a snowman together and then get extremely sick afterwards.

Jisung's mother used to get so worried about both of them after they played outside, in the cold. When they were toddlers and played in the snow for the first time, both of them got a really high fever, at nearly forty degrees. His mother took care of them and went to the doctor to get them prescripted medication.

They also always cuddled into each others warmth when they were sick, something they wish they could still do, which they can't.

They talked about how they were inseparable. They did everything together. They even bathed together - in the very early years at least - but Jisung gets a bit shy whenever that part is mentioned, even if they were just little kids back then.

Childhood // Minsung ✔Where stories live. Discover now