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Every student rushed out of the school building as the long school day was finally over. Jisung still had some things he needed to take care of, but he didn't mind that at all since he didn't like to be trampled over by every individual in this school. It was like a zoo, everyone running through the halls.

As soon as the hallways were empty, Jisung moved towards the doors as well. He was supposed to meet up with Jungin, but he was late and maybe dreading time to be a little later on purpose. He wouldn't expect the other to wait for him at the gate, and as he thought; he saw nobody near the gate.

He took out his phone, connecting his earphones and putting them into his ears. He flinched as he turned around the corner. "Hi, Love," Jungin said, a grin spread across his face. You got to be kidding me. The blond sighed as he put his phone and earphones back into his pocket. "Honestly, I was afraid you would have gone home.. without me," He added cockily.

"Speaking of... Why are you still here?" Jisung asked questionably, not trying to sound rude yet he did slightly.

The other shifted next to Jisung, walking with him towards his home. "We were going to work on our project together, remember?"

"Right," He tried sounding as if he had forgotten about it. It seemed like a better option than admitting he just didn't feel like it anymore. He knew he was being harsh on the other without a proper reason, but even so, he found him quite annoying. Only knowing him for so little time, he still holds his prejudice.


Both boys were sat on the floor in Jisung's bedroom, his laptop placed on a stand on arm-height and a few books laying around on the ground, plus one in Jungin's hands. They had been at it for about one hour already, and the elder hadn't been of much help yet, he mostly just stared at the blond boy. Jisung had given him two hours to stay, one of those two passing by quite fast.

Jungin groaned as a deep sigh left his mouth. "This is boring," He browsed through the pages faster than Jisung could read, meaning he wasn't even doing all that much of anything except for being a burden.

"You're not even doing anything," Jisung hissed, snatching the book the other was reading out of his hands.

"But I am," Jungin murmured quietly. "I'm looking at you." He added slyly, putting on his best flirt act, which wasn't working out quite well for him since Jisung seemed to spite it.

The latter snorted as he heard that cringeworthy pick-up line coming out of the other's mouth. "Yeah... And I would much appreciate it if you weren't,"

"Pity, you're really nice to look at," Jungin murmured. Never has he had any problems with seducing some of his younger brother's friends; except for Jisung. He must say he enjoyed a challenge, not everyone had got to be easy to get.

Turning his head towards the other slightly, looking into his eyes, Jisung raised his eyebrows. "Don't judge a book by its cover,"

Jungin inched closer to the blond boy. "I might be interested in the story," He tried to seduce the other once again, still reducing the amount of air between both of their lips. Jisung shifted backwards a bit as he didn't like what was happening at this very moment. He failed to get away as he felt his back hitting the side of his bed.

The closer Jungin got, the more he hoped someone would barge in and save him from this, as he would call it; hell. No one had come home yet, so he wouldn't be saved. At that very moment, he couldn't stop thinking about Minho and how much he'd wished it was him trying to steal a kiss. Never going to happen, stupid.

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