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Jisung was sat at a computer desk in the school library, a bunch of books next to his keyboard, plus a lot of tabs open on his computer screen. He started working on his assignment for history, or rather his and Jungin's assignment. It was not as if the other didn't want to help him, Jisung simply just didn't want his help.

Speak of the devil.

"Hi, Love," Jungin whispered very clearly as he sat in the chair next to Jisung. He focused his mind on whatever the younger was doing, noticing him researching the Korean War. "I thought that was supposed to be our assignment," He raised his eyebrows, quietly questioning the other.

"It is," The blond male scoffed. "I just don't like your cocky self too much, so I started without you," He flipped the next few pages of a book he was researching in, finding some more information and typing it down.

The other slightly pouted as he leaned forward. "I usually wouldn't mind that, but I want to work on this with you," The boy sounded sincere for once in his lifetime, so Jisung believed he was being truthful.

The latter stood straight up from his chair as he had closed his books and turned off the computer. He slid his chair underneath the table, the other just watching his every movement, waiting for some kind of reply. "If you want to work on this with me then, one; don't bother me for the rest of the day, two; leave your brother alone, and three; meet me at the gate after school."

Jungin also stood up from his chair and got closer to the younger boy, really close. "I can't promise you the first two, but the last one I will do, Love,"

"Four; stop calling me 'love'," Jisung hissed, getting tired of the nickname he had gotten. If he had to be honest, it made him cringe. That was why he always ignored it.

The elder snorted, not planning on doing that one either. "Then what should I call you?"

"Jisung. You should call me Jisung," The blond male informed him, squinting his eyes slightly as he was starting to get annoyed by the other's presence.

"Nah, that's quite boring," He sighed. "I'll call you whatever I want to call you... Love,"

Jisung put his books in his bag and yanked it off the chair, then exiting the library, leaving the other to stand there all alone, without giving him anything in return except for a deathly glare.


Lunchtime arrived as soon as the clock hit exactly twelve p.m. Felix shoved his tray of food across the table, taking a seat in front of Jisung. The others joining them soon after.

To Jisung, it seemed as if something was bothering the orange-haired boy, he found him quite fidgety. All of them were having conversations with each other, yet Felix kept quiet for some reason. He was caught staring outside as he was eating his lunch. "Felix, is everything alright?" The blond male questioned with a murmuring sound, as he noticed a hint of worry or nervousness inside of the other's eyes.

The said boy flinched as he shot up, looking at Jisung instead of at the outdoors now. "I-I'm fine," He looked away again, not wanting to face anyone. "Just have a lot on my mind right now," He mumbled quietly.

"Like..." He began. "The conversation you had with Changbin hyung last night?" Jisung questioned sympathetically, squinting his eyes slightly.

The other's eyes were blown wide open as he gasped, shocked of hearing those words come out of Jisung's mouth. "W-what," He questioned quietly, stuttering as he wasn't expecting this response. "How did you-"

Jisung noticed Felix was starting to become somewhat anxious so he cut him off as he said something else himself. "I woke up and felt the need to go to the restroom. I noticed you weren't in the room anymore, but I didn't question it until I heard a shout from downstairs... I overheard your conversation... and I'm so sorry that happened to you,"

Felix didn't know what to do, he felt like he should have said something in return, but he also just wanted to storm out of the cafeteria as he felt tears well up in his eyes. So that was exactly what he did, he ran out. No one at their table - except for Jisung - knew what was going on with the boy.

Jisung stood upright, telling the others to just presume to eat and not to worry. He walked up to the fourth floor as he made his way towards the roof, being one hundred percent certain that Felix would hide in a place like this, wanting to be alone.

He caught the other huddled down against a wall, holding his knees to his chest tightly. He kneeled down and automatically hugged him, knowing how the latter must feel right now.

Tears began to flow out of Felix's eyes. He had made things right with Changbin, but there was still something in his heart stopping him from allowing all those feelings back in again. "I don't know what to do,"

Jisung pulled back again as he faced Felix's teary eyes. "You didn't just kiss," He slightly questioned, trying to figure this out bit by bit. "You fell in love with him." The blond squinted his eyes as he had figured it out.

"I never had the chance to tell him how I felt," He mumbled as the sobbing had quieted down. Felix hadn't - and still hasn't - had any chance to tell Changbin his own feelings before the latter began to avoid him, and then went away and never came back. He should've told him the past night, but he just couldn't. He couldn't start something he would never be able to finish.

"I'm not one to give advice on this kind of matter," He snorted, trying to enlighten the mood just a bit. "But... maybe you should tell him how you feel and then start over and see where it all brings you both," He murmured in a slight questioning tone.

Felix chuckled at the fact that Jisung had advice for him, but doesn't follow these himself. "I'm gonna spend some time with him today, so we'll see how that works out for me, then I'll decide what to do," He sniffled, lots of emotions going through his whole body. "Maybe you should follow your own advice Mr. Han Jisung," A wide grin grew on his face as he tried to turn around the tables.

Jisung snorted. "Oh, this is about me now?" He raised both of his eyebrows as he let a chuckle leave his mouth. He gave the other a slight nudge on his shoulder as he was slightly embarrassed.

Felix's expression became a serious sympathetic one. His friend was always there for him, so he should be too. "You've been in love longer," He yet reminded Jisung of that small fact. "Isn't it torturous?"

"Sometimes," The blond exhaled. "But he's worth it..." He moved and sat next to the other, staring out at the beautiful clouds that had formed earlier this past morning.

This chapter just- Well, the second part of it is just so emotional...imo
I reallllyyyyy enjoyed writing this chap and I also loved my writing in this (not that it's different from the other ones but idkkkk the feelz yk)

I love all of youuu *does Hyunjin's meme heart thing at y'all* 💙
Remember to comment or I'll haunt you,,
:') jkjk I just love reading all of your comments, they make me so happy.
Feedback is also always welcome <33

Q; Describe yourself with at least five words... (this aint a q but yk ^.^)

A; Anxious, insecure, sarcastic, mature, loner ✊✌

To be continued ;)

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