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Hyunjin swung the front door of his house open and walked inside of the hallway, followed by Jisung, Felix and Minho. They all took off their shoes and entered the house as the latter closed the door, joining them shortly after.

"Seriously, guys. Why am I always the odd one out?" Seungmin said, frightening the four other boys as they flinched. None of them would have expected Seungmin to be in Hyunjin's house.

Seungmin had settled himself into the latter's sofa as Mrs. Hwang had allowed him to stay and wait until Hyunjin came back home. He did not expect him to be gone for hours, though. So he just made himself feel comfortable, watching television.

"Damn it, Seungmin-ah! You startled me," Hyunjin gasped, holding his hand up his chest.

"Sorry, Seungminnie!" Felix apologised. He felt partly guilty since he was almost always the one sending Seungmin a heads up of where they were at and forgot to do so this time. It's not like he'd forgotten about his best friend, this day was just quite unpredictable. He didn't know they would run into Minho, and that he was going to buy them - late - lunch.

"What are you doing in Hyunjin's house?" Jisung asked, raising his eyebrows as a smirk started to spread on his face.

Seungmin saw through to Jisung, and at what he was getting at, but stayed unbothered by it. "Waiting for you guys, like a father who waits for his kids to come back home late and bust their asses," He sighed. "But I'm not your father so I guess you're lucky."

All of them chuckled softly. "Sorry, Minnie. We were at the dance studio and then hung around a bit. Why didn't you call us?" Hyunjin questioned, taking a seat in the sofa next to Seungmin.

The latter scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "I forgot my phone at home," And he couldn't ask Mrs. or Mr. Hwang to use their phone, because they went out for dinner.

Felix laughed at him, also taking a seat next to Seungmin, on the other end of the sofa. "You really are stupid," His little comment made him receive a slight smack on the head by the one and only, of course; Seungmin.

Jisung and Minho also took a seat on another sofa, both at a fair distance from one another.

With Seungmin's salty behaviour back to normal, the five of them had decided to watch a movie.

Minho recommended them to watch a romantic comedy, as he remembered there were a few people amongst them that shit their pants during horror - or any type of scary - movies.

Hyunjin put on a random rom-com, and when thirty minutes in, they were surprised that for once in their lifetime, they had picked out a fairly nice one. It had its decent amount of romance but was a tad bit more on the comical side. Not that anyone had anything against it, of course, they preferred comedy over romance anyway.

Meanwhile, everyone had gotten more comfortable. Some had gotten themselves bags of snacks from the kitchen, and others were lying on the sofas as if they were in the movie themselves.

Felix was hanging over the end of the sofa for whatever reason. Hyunjin and Seungmin were both just sitting laid back, legs crossed over one another's. And Minho and Jisung were just sitting in their usual position; Minho's got his arm wrapped around the younger male's shoulders, while the latter was all curled up and rested his head onto Minho's chest.

As soon as there was a kissing scene on the screen, Jisung covered his eyes with his hands, gagging at the sight. For some reason he just can't stand kissing scenes, it makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Oh come on, Jisung-ah. You could learn something from this," Hyunjin snorted, mocking him playfully, as he saw the other male covering his eyes.

Jisung cringed the moment he had removed his hands from in front of his eyes. "It just makes me feel uncomfortable,"

"I feel sorry for whoever you'll get to kiss one day," Seungmin said bluntly, in a monotone.

Seungmin's little comment made Jisung tense up as he froze, wide-eyed. Minho had also slightly tensed up, but it didn't show, which he was grateful for. They remained in that exact same position, although they did start to feel somewhat uneasy.

Jisung scoffed. "That, coming out of your mouth?"

Seungmin jumped up defending himself. "Excuse me," He scoffed playfully. "At least I've already had my first kiss." He raised his eyebrows as he was feeling superior, for no exact reason.


Jisung was about to defend himself as well, but giving it a second thought he didn't think it was such a great idea.

"Uhm... Hyunjin, where's your bathroom?" Minho asked. The suspense was killing him so he needed a way to break the silence.

"It's down the hall, the second door on the left," He informed, gesturing to where it was at with his hand.

Jisung moved away from Minho, now sitting up straight. "Thanks," The latter mumbled quietly. He got up from the sofa and moved towards the bathroom, leaving the four of them to themselves.

He felt blood stream down his neck and wanted nothing more than to get rid of it before anyone saw it. Unfortunately for him, Jisung had seen a glimpse of it, before the elder male had turned around, towards the bathroom. The younger squinted his eyes, wanting to know whatever caused it.

They watched as Minho left, waiting until he was out of sight. As soon as they heard the bathroom door close, all of their eyes averted back to Jisung. "What's with the suspense," Felix said bluntly with raised eyebrows, slouching on the couch.

"No reason," Jisung replied rapidly, provoking suspicion with each one of them.

"Now why don't I believe you," Hyunjin said, definitely sensing that something was up. The blond male - Jisung - was suddenly acting very strange. There had to be some kind of reason to it.

"Believe what you want," Jisung shrugged. "I'm gonna go check on Minho." And with that, he exited the living room.

Welll hellooo thereee
I love Minsung
Every single day I fall in love w them over and over oof im ugly crying

Why is everyone so secretive in this chap oooof👀👀

cuz I dont know what to ask, so if ya want ya can ask me stuff ^.^

To be continued ;)

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