Renamon Vs Lopunny

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Rika (who is at this moment 18) blushed slightly as her furry companion licked her bare breast. She smiled at her Renamon. She had sleek yellow fur on her back, sides face, muscular legs, and butt with white fur covering her hands, paws, the tips of her ears and tail, soft belly, and her C cup breast. Two pink nipples stuck out from the white fur covering her chest. Riku smiled softly.
       “I never thought this would be so much fun”

      She said. Her Renamon smiled back warmly
     “Neither did I”

      The Digimon replied

    Meanwhile in the forest a wild Lopunny hopped around. But she wasn't just any Lopunny, she was a prime example of one. The kind hunters dreamed of shooting, and fucking, the kind that won pokemon computations effortlessly while giving the judges awkward boners, the kind that couldn't forget attract even if you brought it to the move forgetter. She had a glossy coat of chocolate brown fur with tufts of white on her ears, legs, hands, and nipples. The pokémons small A cup jigglypuffs bounced as she hopped from place to place though the Pokémon had no shame as tits weren't really a big deal to other pokémon. As she hopped she noticed a butterfree fluttering by and gasped in excitement. The curious bunny followed the bug. However a few moments into her chase, the pokémon disappeared. Lopunny looked around confused before noticing the sounds of moaning and gasping. The pokémon followed it finding its source, a tent. This must be where the butterfree is hiding the simple minded pokémon thought before jumping into the air and slamming her paw into the tent.

           The pokémons kick completely obliterated the tent and the ground below it causing the Renamon and Rika to be blown away in an explosion of dirt and stone.
        “W-what was that…”

      Renamon asked herself as she sat up before noticing her blooded and broken partner next to her.

     She exclaimed picking up the naked girl cradling her in her arms.

      “Renamon H-help I don't w-wanna die”

      She said but it was already to late as the light left her eyes moments after she finished the sentence. The explosion was to much for the girl. Renamon laid her dead partner  on the ground

     She said weakly tears forming in her eyes before suddenly turning her head to the pokémon

     She exclaimed her voice a mix of sadness and anger.

    Lopunny replied tilting her head in confusion and her ears perking up in curiosity.

        “You killed her, my best friend! I'll destroy you for that”

      Renamon exclaimed angrily, her tail pointing straight behind her


        The digimon blitzed forward at incredible speed planting her fist into the pokémons cheek sending her tumbling backwards. The fox ran after her prey preparing to follow up with a second attack, but the Lopunny got to her feet and jumped in the air. For a moment time seemed to slow down as the pokémon flew over Renamon landing right behind her

     Lopunny cried in a shrill voice as she kicked Renamon in her soft gut sending the digimon flying into a nearby tree. Renamon gasped in pain as she collided with the tree, but the pain was quickly overwhelmed by her range as she fell back to the ground.
      “Diamond Storm”

    Renamon said as small shards of something appeared behind the digimon before flying towards Lopunny


     The pokémon cried as the shards left small cuts all over her body soaking her light brown coat in blood. The pokémon growled as one of her hands was engulfed in electricity, and the other radiated a blistering cold.

        She said lunging at her target throwing a Ice Punch. The Digimon managed to dodge but just being close to the icy cold fist was enough to chill her bones and slow her down

       The pokémon exclaimed slamming a Thunder Punch into the digimons soft gut. The fox slide backwards coughing up blood as she twitched.
     “Y-you're not the only one with special punches”

    Renamon growled glaring at Lopunny as, still recovering from the shock. The foxes fists ignited into blue flames, and the digimon ran at the pokémon faster than Lopunny could react to throwing a barrage of punches which collided with the poor bunny
      “This is for Rika!!!!”

     Renamon exclaimed throwing a climatic punch, the flames on her fist violently exploding into a turquoise inferno. The first connected with Lopunny's belly which twisted with Renamon's fist making cracking sounds. But once the fox fully extended her arm the pokémon poofed into a cloud of smoke, a pokémon doll flying out of it and slamming into a tree getting its head stuck in the wood

       Renamon said looking as Lopunny appeared a few feet away from her completely unharmed due to her well timed Substitute.
       “Diamond Storm” The fox exclaimed sending razor sharp leaves flying at the pokémon.

       “Lo” The bunny replied as tiny stars appeared around her. The Swift flew into the leaves countering the attack, and creating a smoke screen. Suddenly out of the smoke Renamon emerged throwing a flaming punch.
       “I will beat you!”

        She exclaimed as her fist found it's target in Lopunny's cheek sending the pokémon flying hundreds of feet backwards slamming into the side of a mountain creating a crater in the side.

     Lopunny said as she began to collapse but before she could she was pinned to the mountain by powerful kick from the digimon causing piss to squirt from the pokémons tight pussy. The fox pulled her leg out of the pokémons gut which was now severely bruised, before slamming her fist into the pokémons face repeatedly. Suddenly Lopunny moved out of the way ever so slightly avoiding the attack, before throwing a Dizzy Punch which stroke Renamon in the face. The fox stumbled backwards dazed as the pokémon fell asleep still standing. After a moment the Renamon regained her wits and the bunny opened her eyes, her bruise almost fully healed due to her Rest. The Renamon ran at the pokémon but Lopunny throw everything she had at the Renamon hitting her with Giga Impact sending the digimon soaring backwards. By chance the fox landed next to her partner.

      She said to weak to move. She could feel her life fading.
      “I'm sorry, I-I failed you”

     she said taking the girls hand. She closed her eyes preparing to accept death, this was the end… No! She would crush her opponent for her fallen comrade, and, live as Rika would have wanted her to. She would destroy the bunny with a digivolution. She felt power starting to fill her body. It wasn't known by their tamers but digivolution was a very erotic process for the digimon. Her nipples stiffened up and her pussy moistened. She clenched her butt and curled her toes. This was it!

      The Pokemon exclaimed as she jumped in the air and crashed into the Renamon with a kick. Renamon gasped in pain as all the power she built up left her body. She stretched her fingers and toes involuntary as blood gushed from her mouth, milk squirted from her tits, and piss shot out of her pussy.
     “N-no I must a-avange R-rika”

     Renamon said as the light faded from her eyes. Her tail relaxed and her ears drooped. It was over, the Renamon was dead. The Lopunny hopped off the foxes corpse and suddenly the Butterfree fluttered past her. The pokémon gasped in delight as she once again bounced after the bug leaving two more victims in her wake.


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