Concept Art #1

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Hewo!!! So in chapter 7 I described the dresses that were worn by Sam and Heather but I sometimes feel like I'm not exactly good at conveying what I'm thinking or describing, usually what I think or design or come up with in my head is hard to visualize or describe irl. The things I think of you would expect to find drawn in an anime. But I also realized I can draw y'all stuff even though it tied me a while. So to help y'all beautiful people/animal/aquatic species/alien/immortals/beautiful species to better understand what I was describing I drew y'all some concept art! Hope you like it!

Sam's Dress (Yes don't judge, men look beautiful in dresses, also I cheated a little cause in his bio I said he was any and all/gay gendered. Lol, fiction loopholes~!!!)

Heathers Dress (A bit of her concept art looks a little mature for her original design, so again, I cheated a bit

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Heathers Dress (A bit of her concept art looks a little mature for her original design, so again, I cheated a bit. Since she is a goddess I guess she can fit some of those hairstyles, in chapter 7 I she's a bit older than she is in the present time.)

Ok now, here the tea

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Ok now, here the tea. I know some of you might be thinking "The Hell Are The Arms?!" Or maybe your not, I just think that drawing arms after I've drawn the sleeve kind off obscures the design a bit. I only draw the legs so I can show the heels. I draw the arms separately so I can use more detail when drawing the bracelet/rings etc. If I were to draw the bracelets on the arm with the dress sleeves it would look small, it would also look like I had a rubber fiesta and tried to squish a whole load of shit on one hand. Then the hand wouldn't look like a hand it would look like a grey mess of scribbles was lugging down the hand and the artist (me) couldn't draw a glove to save their life.

ANYWAYS! Thankyou for seeing this art, comment below if there's anything you might want me to draw from this fanfic, maybe more outfit designs or characters themselves? Warning however I suck at drawing males, not being sexist I just really suck at drawing males in general. I've have tried and they ended up looking like a parallel stick. But if you request I will try my best, or maybe draw it but it'll suck....eheheh. Anyways~, thankyou for seeing/reading this chapter and the next chap will come out ASAP!

Mallow Out!!!

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