Chapter 2 : Clyne the Broken Hearted

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Clyne's POV

The young lady was quite nice. I must give her something for her troubles, after all she pointed me in the right direction. I just hope that the Heartsmith can help me. There are not many people in the world who have ready broken hearts at my age without a reason.

*Knock Knock*

The moment I opened the door I see a young man with the most beautiful mop of hazel brown hair and gorgeous matching pair of chocolate eyes. His skin was a perfect and flawless colour of mocha. Absolutely......wait WHAT?! Hold on I have a fiancée, but a fiancée through an engaged marriage... sadly. However I must do this, for mother, she would want me to have my own children to care and love for. I hope she is happy up there in Veilare.(Veilare is like heaven to them, where the dead go, hell to them is called Gonzliank)

"Umm sir can I help you?" He said in the most beautiful melodious like voice. So deep yet so gentle and kind.

I stuttered a bit " U-uh! So-sorry I just got lost in thought" , lost in thought indeed, all about you. I wonder what his name is.

"What is your name young sir."

"People call me the Heartsmith but my real name is Samuel Jackson. Sam is you will."

"Nice to meet you Sam, the name is Clyne Rivers."

"Woah 'Rivers'. What's a socialite and son of a lord doing here?"

"Well I was looking for someone to help with my heart problem and there aren't many Heartsmith in the area where I live, I'm from the town next door."

"Well I'll be damned. Not many from Rickshin Town come here often, well unless your you!"

"Yes, unless there me."

"So what is your heart problem, maybe I can fix it?"

"Well I was wondering......can you fix a broken heart? I was born with it you see and I only ever had enought love to give to family and a few friends. I never in my life gave I had enough love to desire anything, be it materialistic or animalistic. I have a fiancée and though it may not have been my choice to marry her she is still kind and lovely, I believe that she deserves to be loved." 

"Well I don't get broken hearts to fix usually, in fact I think your probably my 1st broken heart I've had to fix. I'll see what I can do, it will also take time so drop by whenever you feel like it. Or when your free that is."

"Thank you very much and please take as long as you need. I already informed my fiancée that I'm getting my heart fixed so the wedding will be prosponed until then. Oh and here" I handed him an invitation to the wedding. Though I soon regretted it, seeing him at my wedding might make me cry knowing that all the vows I'll make will be false and that he is unbeknownst about my feelings about him as I stare at him after the kiss.

"Whoa, really. You want me to go to your wedding. I'd be happy to but umm. I don't think they'll let me in."

"Don't worry I'll make sure to be there when you arrive so that I tell the guards you were invited by me."

"Oh well then that settles it. Well, I'll see soon or maybe tomorrow if your free. Until then I'll work on your heart problem."

"Thank you so much, I'll be back tomorrow."

"Ok then. Bye!" He waved, in the cutest way I never thought a human could. God! He's to cute for his own good. Gotta get outta here before he notices I'm blushing, or worse, notices that my body is lusting for him.

I quickly wave back at him then exit the door. I ran to my carriage then the chauffeur whipped the horse and the carriage rode off back to Rickshin Town. After a while the silenced stopped and I exited the carriage to my manor. I was greeted by the maids and my butler. I walked to my room and collapsed with a heavy thud onto the bed covered in fluffy blankets and warm quilts. I covered my face with a pillow, in the silence I could still feel the hardness down bellow, my heart erratically beating and my face reddening up again. Never in my life have I ever wanted someone so badly before. 

I doze of into sleep with memories of him as the moon rises slowly.........


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