Chapter 9 : Storm The Castle

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Warning : Swearing, corpses, slight gore, Grammar Mistakes, possibly a few bad puns. Also heartsmith belongs to Miyuli? Her name is Miyuli right? I think it is, Miyuli made the comics. On her tapas page? And deviant art? And Pinterest?

Queen's POV
I'm so happy the ball went as planned. Hopefully my daughter doesn't end up eating all the Hors D'Oeuvres, we'll have nothing but the banquet table to feed the guests soon.

"Ah!" What was that? It felt like a needle in my side. The fabric perhaps? No it couldn't be this is magical clothing. Before I could take another step I started feeling dizzy, the last thing I saw was my husband running towards me and then, Black.

3rd POV
Beyond the edge of the heavens realm, dark clouds, filled with lightning were slowly closing in. A dark mist was traveling quick and ominously. It engulfed the edge of the realm. Hidden in its malicious surface, a women with eyes scorned off fury and jealousy. Behind her in the clouds, an army of disgusting origin, hideous creatures of the depths of darkness, born from the power and hate of that wicked women. They, would not survive. And it would be their last happy time together.

*Time Skip*

"Brooooo!" Heather jumped up and down like a light weight basketball. Jumping high and landing softly. She wa trying to locate her brother that was either, a-hidden in the crowd, b-avoiding everyone who tried to dance with him in another room or c-hiding form everyone trying to dance with him while not being in the crowd or random room. Most likely c.

Heather made her way to the top of the staircase entry, she over looked everyone of the guests and tables of food (I know what a tragedy! She over looked food!🥺 NOT THE CROISSANTS!!!🥐) and passed the guards. 1,2,3,4 guards. 20 food plates anddd there! Brother outside 12 o'clock! Heather rushed here way passed the gusts, apologized if she stepped on anyone's foot. She carefully opened the door to the garden patio.

Heather sneaks up behind her brother, a huge cheeky grin on her face. "BOOO!" She yelled.

"Nice try, very creative sis." There was no jolt, flinch or reaction. Just plain indifference.

"Ohhh! Come on! You don't scared from anything! Do you have fears!?" Heather new he did, it's just he didn't have any since he turned 1000.

"Trust me, I have fears... but jump scares aren't any of them." Heather looked a little dull after that comment, she expected him to say that. The nostalgia of this place would soon settle in as a mere blimp of memory and stone.

"Finally, finally! Finally!! My revenge upon you wretched family will soon come to pass! You and your hideous offspring will face the full force of my rage. Prepare yourself Queen Cordelian

(*Cor = Heart, Cordelian is my version of a masculine take on Cordelia which means 'jewel of the sea' and ' heart of a lion')

The ballroom glass windows had shattered and dark, misty cloud filled with lightning surrounded the guests. Screams and crying shout could be heard as each person was pulled into the clouds by an unknown force.

Queen POV black, dark black. Just like that night. That's all I could see. I could here was a voice.

'! Cordelian! Cordelian!"

"AHHHH!" I was startled, I didn't mind though. His voice woke me from that empty place.

"Thank goodness your awake, I though you had died!" My kings voice lace with worry. Tears on the edge of his eyes. His beautiful deep ocean blue eyes, he must have used his powers to wake me up.

"Dear, what happened? Wait a minute!" I suddenly stood up, ignoring the ringing in my ears due to to my sudden rise. "Where are our children!?" I started panicking, where are they!? Where?! Where!? My head was turning and swiped from to side, I could feel heart beat race faster and faster and faster.

"Dear, dear! DEAR!" His voice echoed against the marble walls of the castle. Directing my attention to him. "Breathe, calm down, breath with me. In and out, in and out." I started to calm down, what would I do without him?

"Lien (King nickname for his queen), we are going to find them and they are ok. I can still feel them. You just need to calm down. Besides you just passed out, maybe you were just tired from preparing our children's birthday ball? Come on, let's get back to the ball." Slowly he steadied me. I was so happy he was by my side. We made our way to the ballroom.

Opening the doors to see the horror that had befallen.


There were clouded corpses, blood was swirling with the lightning that came with it. The king and queen could hear screams from the centre of the room, the promise of a shrouded death that came with it.


Yay! I finally finished this chapter! Sorry y'all had to wait so long! I've also updated the character bio. But just in case anyone reading this hasn't read the 'Hearts for sale' comic by Miyulli, the king and queen aren't actually apart of the comic, they are oc's I made for the sake of this fanfic.
Anyways! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next one will come out asap! Mallow Out!

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