Chapter 7 : Cost Of The Truth

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Ok quick note, imma change the name of Griland to Gant. Mostly cause I don't really like the name Griland. If you do like the name and want it to be left the same way then please comment and I'll leave the Chauffer's name as Griland. ALSO BE NOTED THAT THERE IS SOME SWEARING IN HERE! Other than that enjoy this Chapter!☺️😊

Clyne's POV

Talk? what did she mean by talk?

"Um, ok. what do want to talk about?

"...Hearts. An my brother. And your love life you fiancee. so shall we have some tea and cookies?"

I was so confused. Love? Her Brother, wait she had a brother. Or has a brother.

"I'm sorry? You have a brot-"

"The Heart smith." She immediately cut him off mid sentence.

I can feel my face heating up, the Heart smith or rather Sam, was her brother?! Well it sort of made sense, I think.

"U-umm. What about him?"

"I will make this quick, simple, short as possible but I cannot guarantee a happy ending."

I was so confused, what's going on!

"I'm sorry but what's happened to your brother?"

She gave me look so painful, so broken, on the verge of tears and almost lifeless and dying. I made my newly fixed heart feel like breaking again.

"H-e...he-he......he-h-e's......h-he's de-da-day-dyi-ng......he's dying."

She basically broke down to tears and fell to her knees. As quickly as I can I rush to her side, trying to process what she just told me!

"Dying, but how?"

I gave her few moments to pick herself up, I helped her to the couch and let her catch her breathe. After a few seconds she softly replied with delicacy.

"Your heart. Take it out."

"Wha! What!"

What in the heck was going on. I thought Sam was in danger! Why did she me to take my heart out. Wasn't it her that came to me to talk about SAM!



"I uh....very well then..."

I took my heart out and held it in my hands carefully, she just stared and looked almost disappointed. The she turned sad and regretful looking again. Why? What's going on! I have so many questions! And I need them answered! No! Wait. I have to be patient. Right now Heather looks really sad.......she finally spoke.

"Look at it."


"Please, look at it..."

I took a look at my heart. It was healthy, full of love, happiness, joy, beating with red passion. It was glowing. Just like everyone else's heart, so what was wrong with it? The only thing i see that is wrong is the giant crack that!!!


"He promised me not to tell you! And I just couldn't bring my self to keep that promise!"

"Why wouldn't he tell me himself. Why-how!"

"Because he fell in fricken' love with you that's why! And I know you love him to! He didn't want to ruin you marriage so he kept silent and shuttled his damn mouth! He didn't want to tell because he felt like it was the right thing to do! So right no that idiot is dying....and I can't even stop it..."

"Oh my god.....he's in love with me! I'm in love with him! I'm in and engaged marriage! I don't love her! I have so many damn questions!"

"*sigh* I can answer them all...just one at a time please."

"Ok, um. Shit! Where do I begin. So he fixed my heart how?"

" Ughh! I can't put it any other way, dammit! Imma gonna be blunt with this! We're gods! He shifted his heart into yours and replaced the broken half with his love!"

"............HOLY FUCK!"

"Yeah it's really complicated."

"Ok shit said that uhh..he in love with me."

"Yeah. His really fricken sparkle when he talks about you! Shit I don't think I've ever seen more of galaxy in his damn eyes. They're like! Like! Damn Aurora-borealis!"


I could feel my heart beating. Heavily. And in my hands....oh shit! I don't even think I can fall out of love with him now!

"Do you need time to process?"

"Nope, urrgghhh...... I'm fine..."

I need to catch my breath. In, out. In, out. In, out.....and I'm good again. I think?

"So about the part him dah-di-......dying."

Shit I could barely say that!

"Can't he heal himself? I'm mean isn't he a god?"

"Well um that's complicated. It's a really long story..."

"I have time."

".......fine! But do not fall asleep!"

How long is this gonna take.

Heather Mind : this is going to take a while. 1..2...3...Start!


Sorry this Chapter took a while. Also if you've already read the part that I posted yesterday, don't worry about it nothing has changed it's just that I posted the story at school and the wifi there is terrible so the edited changes weren't published. The story is still the same just longer now. Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it! 💜

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