Chapter 6 : I Need To Talk To Him

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Heather's POV

Using my summoning magic I create carriage, it wielded the symbol of a heart and embellishments of gold and wings tipped with silver. Upon the heart stood a crown of amethysts, depicted at the bottom of the heart were beads of mother pearl and strings of gossamer. The family crest, something I haven't seen in such a long time, and though it is something the humans on this earth have never seen I should still be careful. Gods and Goddesses on earth could see it and try to find my brother and me. (For reasons that will be explained in I think chapter 9 or 8)

(The Family Crest)

"Hello, Chauffeur Griland*

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"Hello, Chauffeur Griland* . 'Tis have been a long time since I have seen you."

"Long indeed Your Highness Megami-Hime-Sama* Heather."

"How many centuries do I need to tell you! Call me Heather-Chan! Please for old times sake."

"Very well then Heather-Chan. Where do you wish to go today. 'Tis been a long time since I've chauffeured anyone around."

"The River's Manor. I wish to meet with Lord Clyne Rivers."

"Very well Heather-chan."

*Time Skip*

Before exiting the carriage I changed my outfit. I extended the bouncing of the dresses skirt and shrank the bow on the collar. I tied my hair to one side plait, replaced my sandals with flat heels. To Finnish it all of I took away the white apron and replaced it with a white bow at the back.

(Original Dress)

I walk out of the carriage

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I walk out of the carriage. Walking up to the door I knock on it, soon after a butler opens the door surprised.

"Young Lady, please forgive but we weren't expecting any guests."

"Just tell your young lord that a girl named Heather Johnson wishes to speak with him, he'll agree to see me."

The butler looked at me slightly astonished them allowed me in. I signaled for Griland to wait for me and he nodded. Walking in I could already see the wealth and power through the luxurious and no doubt expensive decor and furnishing.

"Heather? Is that you."

He came in for hug but before he could I quickly stopped him. Holding my hand outwards, he took it. I lead him to the near by lounge area.

"It's time to talk....."


Griland: Random name I made up.

Megame-Hime-Sama: This entire honorific, if I can even call it an official Japanese honorific, means Goddess Princess. Sama is a way of addressing one of greater power or higher status, drastically different from Senpai.

Sorry for long wait on this chapter. I accidentally published it without finishing it. I've been meaning to fix it so hear it is. Thank you very much for reading chapter 7 and the next one will be out as soon as possible.

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