Chapter 8 : History Of My Heart

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3rd POV

Tonight will be the celebration of the century, the coming of age of The Gods Of The Heart. Heather Cor Donum and Samuel Cordis Faber Ferrarius Johnson shall become crown prince and princess regent of the heavens!

Heather POV

I wonder what's going to happen tonight? Will it be full of confetti, maybe streamers? I hope they add faerie lights to the ceiling. I wonder what Sam's doing, maybe practicing his combat in the garden? I'll go check.

In the Garden

3 PersonPOV

'Sammmmmm!' The joyful princess said.

A beautiful but naturally tanned young man with eyes of dark cocoa stops his current activity of sword practice to turn to his sister, who now is running full speed to him.

'Oh shi!-.' Sam was cut of mid sentence by his sister did a  giant leap into his arms. Both landing on the floor among the colour shifting ground of bricks and gardens upon gardens of flowers. All ranging from those that bloomed in the dark to those that reflect prisms of colour like snowbells, tulips, roses, peonies, bluebells, orchids etc. The Queen and Kings most praised flower, Moon Glow. Only every 1 year does it bloom completely with its pollen and seeds of crystal for all eyes to to see.

Sam stood up taking his sisters hand to lift her.

'The ball starts tonight! Happy 10,223 birthday brother!'

(A/N: I know in the character description I said he was 24 but remember he is a god and the creator of the comic never specified his age. Since he is a god in my story he is a lot older than he LOOKS. I only did his 'human' age in the character bio. *Cough* Non-official character bio!*cough*. Anyway back to he story.)

'Thanks sis, lets go try and snag some cake from the kitchen counter!' he grinned with his sister.

'Yeah! Let's do this.' She cheeky agreed, jumping up and down from excitement.

With the Queen and King

'Oh dear! Do you think he'll like his gift?' The queen said worriedly.

'Our son loves everything! I'm sure he'll love it! At least I hope.' He comforts his wife with his kind words.

'He's finally going to get his own hearth*!'

*Time Skip cause I can And I'm also lazy*

During the night of the ball

'Ladies and gentlemen! Citizens of all ages!' The king said with joy, ' Today is my sons 10,223th Birthday and both of my children's crowning!'

The entire occupancy of the ball room clapped their hands and cheered for their kings announcement and the birthday of their most beloved prince.

'Today he will truly be blessed! My son and daughter will finally get his own hearth.'

The entire ball room was filled with cheers and joyous tears, they all new how important a hearth was for their entire kingdom.

'Happy Bithday to my son! Prince Samuel Johnson! As well as a happy crowning to both of them!'

As soon as the king stopped speaking the trumpets blew loud and proud, then giant doors that lead to the ball room to reveal the prince. He was dressed in a beautiful ball gown with a lovely Elizabethan styled top cut out, the sleeves of the top section of the dress was made of chiffon and silk, spreading in soft ruffles, in many hues and shades of blues, pristine silvers and whites.
The bottom part was made of the same material. It was split in the middle with an under skirt.

(Looks a bit like these)
More of this shawl. I wanted to describe it so it was kind of similar to the White Rabbits Dress (Alyce) from Pandora Hearts. It's an anime and Alyce's dress is beautiful but off course for the story I changed the colours and put in a different top-like design. Below is a reference pic of the dress.

 Below is a reference pic of the dress

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The Hall was filled with gasps of the many guests

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The Hall was filled with gasps of the many guests. Their prince was beautiful, his skin glowing and hair reaching his knees done up in a side braided bun. Within it were many crystals, reflecting light at all different angles. His feet were covered in crystal heels with vines growing up from his ankle and leaves of the same material sprouting from them.
Heather in a deep ruby red silk and satin dress, paired with charcoal bows and sheer gray train leading from her waist. The high-low dress perfectly displaying rouge heels. Her hair in a side bun with braids, excess hair curled and tucked behind her ear. Crimson gems and dark silver jewels adorn her in the form of a bracelet, necklace, earring and tiara. All of them cut in a mix style.

(A/N : Yes I know Sam is in a dress, he's a prince but let's put him in a dress cause why not? Also because I want I think he would look damn beautiful in in the characters bio I said he could be any with the story.)

Taking his father hand with his mother and sister to his right he walks down with grace and elegance like he had for the past 10,222 years of his life. The guests continuous clapping echoed against the marble walls and golden ornaments. The dark of the night filled with stars, illuminated only by the full moon. The one flower blooming it's petals.

The king then spoke, "Let the celebration begin!"

All the gusts : *Cheering loudly*

The fireworks start in a flurry of colours, the shining confetti falling like flower petals from the ceiling. All the flowers bloom in the presence of joy and the whole night was filled jolly happiness. The aura of the midnight point the most happiest it had been since the hour of the royal children.

To bad it wouldn't last long....

That night a despicable hatred entered the castle, this would be the last birthday celebration the prince and princess would have. History of them would disappear without a trace.


This chapter is slightly shorter than I would have like but the next will come out in less than a few weeks. I'm currently on holiday and using my data like beauty guru on lipstick. Currently just finished this chapter in the car and I'm in the middle of bush, there is a a dirt path..a really...really bumpy dirt path. bumpy. Anyways leave reviews for this new chapter and any ideas for this story. A few characters will be added to the character bio that is in the beginning of this story, though I'm adding them wayyyyy later cause I'm lazy and tired. Hope you liked this chapter and remember to leave reviews and comment. Thanks for reading and the next chapter will come out asap!

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