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Hey guys, so yeh.....haha been a while. Sorry, I've just been really busy, it's a bit ironic that I'm writing this when my exam week is next week but you guys are more important <3

Anyway here's another chapter, it's kind of a filler but it leads up to what's happening next in the storyline. ENJOY!!!

P.s. I hope you guys can check out my short story and vote, that would be awesome:


Finally having made a tiny dent in the mountains of paperwork on my desk I sat back for a second to rethink everything that had happened and what I knew was going to happen. According to the text that Sherlock had sent me an hour ago they had saved the woman hostage by him finding out about the poisoning to the boy so that at least was one person saved, but she was supposed to survive anyway.

The next hostage would be the sleazy guy trying to disappear in Columbia or whatever; Sherlock would save him as well so that also wasn’t a problem.

My main focus at the moment was trying to save the third hostage. Unfortunately my prior knowledge of her case would not help me in any way to save her; she died due to her trying to describe the voice of her kidnapper. How the bloody hell was I going to save her. Thinking back I tried to remember where the bomb went off and if anyone had ever mentioned her name in the series. Unfortunately it seemed that I had hit a wall, my memory was totally scrambled from everything that had happened over the past few months but I knew that there was definitely no emphasis on the third hostage at any point during the show.

Sighing loudly I let my head fall into my hands, well fuck. I was determined to save her but it seemed borderline impossible. Unless…

If I called her instead of Sherlock I could warn her beforehand not to say anything about the man. It seemed like my only shot although I was not looking forward to having to relay all the clues to a desperate, kidnapped woman.

I smiled to myself, happy that I at least had some sort of plan; I had plenty of time before Sherlock investigated the third hostage so I decided to pack up early due to my good work and head home.  

The apartment itself seemed incredibly empty, even Max wasn’t home as Mycroft had texted me saying that he was going to take him for a walk. I found myself missing the obnoxious voice of Sherlock, the exasperated sighs from John and the constant nagging from Molly. Who would have known that they all would have grown on me so much?

Sitting down on the couch I contemplated having a nap but automatically ruled out that idea. The nightmares were still going strong and seemed to be getting more gruesome and life like by the moment. Maybe it was a side effect of me having been transported to this dimension or whatever, I would have to eternally suffer and watch my friends die repeatedly. Yeh, seems fair. Instead I decided to catch up on some much needed TV time. Struggling back down to my flat I raided my chocolate stash which would have to be replenished soon as the chocolates had been in there uneaten for well over a month now. Plopping myself on the couch that I missed so much I sighed contently as the amazing faces of Chandler and Joey graced my screen, well at least one of my favourite TV shows was still just on the screen and not all around me.

Half way through my tenth episode I started to notice that it was getting dark outside. Checking my phone I noted that Sherlock had solved the second hostages case and thus would be coming home soon. As I looked around me at the pile of discarded chocolate wrappers, wow I really got carried away, I caught sight of my cane in the corner. There was something I despised about that cane, it represented all of the weakness within me. Basically, I wanted it gone.

As I could hear footsteps approaching the front door I reached for my cane and started to walk outside. Meeting John and Sherlock at the front door, I looked both of them on the eye before snapping my cane on my knee and chucking it past them onto the streets of London.

 “Fuck it,” I said as I turned and walked back up the stairs, slowly but surely. I could practically feel the confused looks I was getting behind me but I was sick and tired of being a cripple.

Tomorrow I would have to try and save someone’s life, I’m going to be damned if I’m friggin limping around while I do it. Sitting quite angrily at the counter I could see the hundreds of questions that were in Sherlock’s eyes as he passed me but obviously he was smart enough to keep them to himself. Instead he plonked himself opposite me and asked me a question that I had been avoiding for the past couple of days.

“Been having any nightmares recently?” He asked it so casually, like as if he was asking for me to pass the salt.

I looked up at him nervously before answering, “N-no, they’re a-all gone n-now,” okay even I could tell that that was a lie. Sherlock seemed to frown both to himself and at me, it seemed that I had somehow disappointed him as he stood up abruptly and moved to his room. I sighed loudly just as Mycroft walked in with Max.

 “Ava, are you alright dear?” At that I let my head fall onto the bench; I guess that answered the question for him. 

The Mysterious Case of Ava Lawrence vs Sherlock HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now