Explaining + SHOT!!!

1.3K 53 104


We've hit the big one.


I know, I've done heaps of specials for 20,000 , 40,000 , 50,000 , ect.

Like, sure, some of them were really exciting for me.

But this is the real deal guys.

Well, there is 1 million, but well talk about that later, If we hit it.

100,000... I don't even...

Thank you.

You guys have stood through all my lacks of updates, my strange weirdness, my chapter's with swear words...

That stage. No, I don't think I was having mood swings. I was angry at a few things, one of them was not having the Wireless on my iPod. That is something that has affected this, and all, my books greatly.

Losing it was solely my fault. And because I don't know when I get the chance to get the wireless from somewhere else, I don't write as much because I can't really set a deadline. And I just can't write on the computer. I have complete mind blanks on them, and have a limited time on the family one. If I had a laptop, I would. As much as I could.

Also, Wattpad does glitch out. In the way of DELETING CHAPTERS!!!

Calm, calm...

But yes, it does delete chapters. And I find the minimal, white pages of Wattpad more inspirational than the yellow, bulk text of Notes. But I do save some book chapters to my notes.

I have about 39 notes. One or two aren't chapters :3

But still, you guys have stuck with me through all 40 strange, amazing tales of dares and truths. Mainly dares.

And there will be more, don't worry about that. In fact, let me tell you a tale:

I am only a 12 year old child. Wattpad, don't even think about deleting my account. Because Wattpad is the place where I let my thoughts flow. I let my thoughts travel through my fingers, onto the screen or keyboard, and let them appear for all to see.

So as long as Wattpad stands, I will not delete this account. If I get extremely desperate, if I get depressed so badly because of something Wattpad related, Then, and only then, will I delete this account. Not because of some bully, or if I lose a limb. Heck, if this site lasts until the day I die, I will pass my account onto my children. This is deep shiz-nicks.


We actually reached 120 - 125 yK... um...


So I'm going to write a one-shot.

~~~ = Time Skip

Imma cat, I do what I want.


No-one's P.O.V:

"So... What movie do you guys want to watch?"

Jason, Piper, Percy, Frank, Hazel, Leo and Frank were sprawled around the room, lounging on various pillows and beds, trying to pick a movie to watch.

"How about Paranormal Activity?"

Everyone jumped. Nico had just stepped into the room, as silent as a shadow.

"Jeez, Neeks. Give me a heart attack much." Leo gasped. Nico glared at him, causing him to squirm away cautiously.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. Neeks." He stated. He climbed onto a bunk bed, lounging comfortably on the mattress.

"So... Are we going to watch a movie, or what?"

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