Kwismos Special ~ PERSASSIUS!

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Special Character: @zorua-the-trickster


After the rest of the demigods recovered from Nico's performance, with a few snide comments on his tutu, they remembered that there was SUPPOSED TO BE ANOTHER GUEST COMING!! COUGH COUGH!

"Doesn't look like anyone else's here..." Frank muttered.

"Wait... what's that?" Gracie asked, pointing far away at the sky.

"Um... a cloud?"

"No, Fish-Boy, the black dot!"

They all looked over, and sure enough, something was moving towards them.

"Well, way to make an entrance." Leo nodded.

"Is that guy... shouting something?"

Sure enough, as they were able to make an outline of a teenager, they heard a familiar voice.

"AGH! Gosh, you have no sense of respect for the wounded! DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!"


Four owls were flying towards the group, two for each of Dylan's arms. As soon as they dropped him, they flopped to the ground, hooting faintly.

"Hey, I'm not that heavy!"

One of the owls fainted. Dylan cursed in Greek, and turned to the others, grinning.

"Fancy seeing you guys again."

"Are you... looking for one of us?"

"Well, duh!" Everyone groaned. "Why else would I let the owls catch me?"

"I think we've only got about... like, five people left?" Abby said.

"I know. That's why I'm taking Kelp Head."

Percy sighed. "If you got that rope finished, I swear-"

"Nah, maybe some other time. You just have to listen to a couple of haiku's. From Apollo."


Dylan laughed, and grabbed Percy's arm. Suddenly, they burst into flames.

"HOLY JAPOLE!" Leo yelped, rather high-pitched too. "How'd he DO that?"

"He's half demon." Gracie noted.



~~On Olympus, far from audible ears~~

"Righty!" Apollo cheered, staring at Percy, who was tied to a chair. "I heard that you would absolutely LOVE to willingly hear my haiku's."

Percy didn't object; He was gagged.

"Wonderful! An appreciative audience for once. Alright..." He coughed, then roared at the top of his lungs.

"Have a potato
For all nutritional means
They're super awesome.

Violets are purple
What idiot called them blue
Can I please kill them."

Percy groaned, swearing that his ears would start bleeding soon.

"Got to catch them all
One hundred and fifty one
Then a little more."

Everyone raised an eyebrow, and Apollo rolled his eyes.

"This may not sound good
OK it's a little rushed
Shut up and deal with it."

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