Percy gets hold of bagpipes! Oh gods...

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Ok. This chapter will be really shitty because it deleted itself :( so I have to re-write it. UGH! But on a happier note :) Thank you everyone for le dares! If you want to, send in truths. We want some goss and action in this! But still, thanks to all who sent them in, because this chapter and the next one has all your dares in them!

P.S: Sorry for really late update. IM SORRY DONT DELETE THIS BOOKIE! The Wattpad app is bugging out, and I cant publish the chapters, because I write them on my Ipod. When I try to, they delete themselves. I CANT EVEN READ BOOKS FOR ZEUS SAKE!

On a happier note,


MORE KOOL-AID IN THE CHAPTER AFTER THE NEXT! Cause I already started writing next chapter before we hit 3,000 reads.


P.P.S: Laura is actually the Daughter of Zeus. I messed up. So I'll fix up those bits.

Percy's P.O.V:

"Truth or dare?" Travis asks him.


"Learn to play bagpipes"

WHAT! Bagpipes appear at my side.

I pick up the bagpipes, and go to Grover.

"Teach me how to play"

Leo's P.O.V:

Gods, Percy is terrible! I can hear the bagpipes as loud as a putting a ship horn to your ear. And were still in Cabin 3! I get a couple of earplugs from my toolbelt, and hand them out. It deafens the sound.

A little bit.

Percy comes in five minutes later, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wanna hear me play?" He asks, and puts the dreached instrument to his lips.

"NO!" We all yell, and the bagpipes disappear.

"Percy, I think everyone in Kentucky wanted ear plugs for themselves." I say.

"Truth or dare then?"


"Make something on a sugar rush"

YAAAAY! The others groan. Last time this happened, I made a 20-barelled flamethrower and a 25-barelled RPG. It was so cool! The others dont think so, since Coach Hedge got his hands on them.

IT WAS SO COOL! And the weapons are now on the Argo II

I chug a whole jar of sugar, and run off to Bunker 9.

--2 Pink Fluffy Unicorn Dancing On Rainbows Hours Later--

I show everyone my two new toys.

The first one is a Celestial Bronze sword. I press a gem on the hilt, and the top of the sword grows into a grapping hook. I press it again, and the hook disappears. The sword grows some pure silver spikes. I press it again, and it turns into a mace. Another press, sword with a poison tip that knocks people out for eight hours. A last press, and its a regular sword.

Percy, Jason and Frank gulp, while Jasmine, Kitty, Laura and Gracie clap.

I then pull out a rectangular, slightly thick device. The whole thing is black. I press a button at the top, and the front part seems to melt away. It reveals a screen with the time date, slide to unlock, the battery power, and a little pear in the corner. Next to it says 'DemiPhone.'

I slide the slide to unlock (of course,) put in the passcode, and open the App folder.

It has the Weapon App, which lets you get Imperial Gold and Celestial Bronze weapons from the DemiPhone, Monsterpedia, A guide of famous Greek and Roman heroes, and GPS co-ordinates to Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. Search up any music, and its on the DemiPhone, and all apps are free to download. Connected to the Camp's WiFi, and wont attract monsters. I press the button on the top again, and the DemiPhone turns off. The front that disappeared before comes back. They all clap at that.

"MAKE ME ONE!" Jasmine shouts. I smirk.

"Another day, and I'll need more sugar. Jason, Truth or Dare?"

Jason's P.O.V:

I groan, and look down. Why this dare? I dont need help, I can freaking fly! I look down, take a deep breathe, and jump down.

From Olympus.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLPPPP!!" I scream, plummeting downwards. The streets and building start to come closer, and I see people videoing me and calling 911.

30 meters from the ground, I start to fly around the buildings. I see people fainting, still videoing, and little kids pointing and clapping. I grin, and zoom back to Camp Half-Blood.

Piper's P.O.V:

"JASON!" I gasp. Jason is standing at the door, COVERED in ketchup and mustard. Everyone is rolling on the ground, laughing their heads off.

"ZEUS made me fly into a FREAKING HOT DOG STAND!" Jason yells at the sky.

Only thunder replies.

"Truth or Dare Pipes?" He asks.

"Im your girlfriend!" I say.

"And what does that have to do with the price of nectar?" He says. I punch him playfully.

"Dare" I say. He whispers something in Laura and Kitty's ears, and they whizz off to the kitchen. They come back with a small glass filled with a yellowey paste.

"Drink this" Jason says, passing me the glass.

I gulp.

"Is this safe?" I ask Kitty.

"Of course" She replies. Gods, im scared.

I take a sip. It's quite nice. I chug the whole thing.

One second...

Two second...

"HOOOOTTTT!!" I scream, as my mouth feels like its on fire.

They all burst out laughing. Kitty and Laura especially. Jason isnt though.

"What did you put in?" He asks.

"What you said" Kitty says, trying to comtain her laughter.


"Lemon juice"



"Relish" Laura finishes off.

"THEN WHY DOES IT BURN" I scream, finally finishing my extra large yoghurt.

"Oh. We might of put some Dragon Chilles in it" Laura says causually. It just sends the whole room, including Jason, into another round of laughter.

Kitty's P.O.V:

MAN, that was funny!

"TRUTH OR DARE KITTY!" Piper growls.

"Dare" I say.

"Throw Thalia over the Empire State Building"

"WHAT?!" Jason screams.

"Jason. Calm" Piper says, using charmspeak. He calms down instantly.

"Soooooooooooooooooooo... Where is she?"

"Right outside"

Thalia's P.O.V:

"Jason?" I ask, opening Cabin 3's door. I dont know how I got here. I was about to kill a hellhound when BAM, I was standing outside Percy's Cabin in a cloud of purple smoke.

A fist in the face, and black.

--5 Minutes later--

"Whe- AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!" I scream. Im leaning over the edge of the Empire State Building! Something lets go of me, and I fall. I feel like passing out. I'm sure im about to become a pancake when im swept to the side. Jason is there, flying me back to Camp Half-Blood.

"THANK YOU! WHOEVER DID THAT TO ME WILL DIE!" I scream at him. He grins, and I black out again.

--6 minutes later--

I wake up, and someone is kissing me. Someone with curly brown hair, and brown eyes. I punch his face.

"DIE!" I scream, and send a lightning bolt towards him. I reach for my Hunter's bow, and send an arrow at his head.

"HOW DARE YOU KISS A HUNTER! YOU SHALL FEEL THE WRATHE OF A GODDESS!" Artemis screams, appearing beside me. Me, Jason, and Artemis chase him, sending lightning bolts, arrows, and winds. Jason finally grabs him, and flys him up. His face is full of fear, and sweat is pouring down his face.

"GO!" Jason screams. Artemis and me send some blunt arrows at his head (that hits him right in the forehead), me and Jason send a lightning bolt at him, and Jason flings him around helplessly.

Leo falls to the ground, unconcious.



Now, I have another decent excuse for not updating.

ITS TERM 3!! We only have Nine Weeks, but we have to so Speeches and Science Fair. SO MUCH WORK! Its way more jam packed than you think, because most of the other class also have Toatra Springs.

So its a pretty jam packed Term, and I wont be able to update alot. But maybe expect a new book!

Its gonna be called "Water and Magic" and its going to be about Jasmine Dragonite coming to Camp Half-Blood, and her first quest. So look out for that!

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