New School, New Life

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Authors note: This story takes place within the world of Girls Und Panzer, however some liberties have been taken in certain area's in order for the story to follow the path I've planned for it. This story is completely separate from the story of the show. An example of this is that Ooarai in my story has both male and female students, and is on land rather than on a ship. FYI, 'Ben' is just a name to represent you, the reader.


Ben awakened to his alarm clock going off.

"ugh, another day, a new school..." he said to himself as he tentatively got out of bed. He started to walk towards the door across from him, planning to go to the bathroom. As he opened the door he was shocked to be looking into a hallway...

"Oh, right..." he said to himself, "this is the front door, not the bathroom... Maybe one day I'll understand this new apartment", he said, chuckling to himself as he closed the door and headed into the bathroom.

After eating a small breakfast of cereal, he started to get ready for school, putting on his new uniform for the first time. He looked at himself in the mirror as he tied his tie and put on his blazer. "Well, this is a new type of uniform" he said to himself, having never worn anything this formal to school before. "Maybe I'll even impress some girl..." he mused, laughing to himself.

He looked over at the clock and saw that it was 7:50, since school didn't start until 9:00 and he knew that it was only a 10 minute walk to the school, he decided to spend the rest of his free time reading the information booklets that you had been given about the school.

He briefly looked at the map he were given and was shocked at the size of the school, thinking that he'd never learn his way around. He then looked at the booklets about the courses that he could take at the school, every student had to choose 4 courses with an additional compulsory language course, and an extra activity from a list that was changed each year, meaning you had no idea what the choices were.

After a while he looked at the clock again, seeing that he had about 10 minutes before he had to leave, so he made sure that he had filled out your course booklet properly. He'd selected the 5 courses that he wanted to take, World war 2 history, General history, Engineering studies, mathematics and a language course. After checking this, he packed up all of his things into his bag, and began his walk to his new school.

As he walked he was constantly looking all around him, at the different large and intricate buildings within the city. He'd never lived anywhere like this before and were fascinated by all that was around him.

After what felt like a short walk he arrived at the entrance to his new school, he looked up and read the large sign which simply read Ooarai academy. 

"Huh" he said to himself jokingly "I guess they were to lazy to come up with an inspirational line to put on the sign..."

He then began to move into the school grounds, but due to the large size of the school complex, he was staring at his map intently, and wasn't looking where he was going...

"aaahhh" he heard a girls voice cry out, and all of a sudden he found himself lying flat on his face on the concrete...

"agh, well thats a good start..." he mused jokingly.

As he got up and looked around he saw a girl with fluffy brown hair, getting up from the ground next to him, with some of her papers spread around her.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." he said apologetically, as he rushed over to help her pick up her paperwork.

"I-Its alright" she said as she picked up more of her papers.

"Here you go, and sorry again", he added as he gave her back what he'd picked up.

"Thank you~" she said taking them from him.

As he gave her back her papers, he looked into her big brown eyes, staring for a time, before her looking away brought him back to reality.

"I need to go drop these off..." she said as she hurriedly picked up her bag and ran off.

"Ah, okay..." he said to himself flatly, watching her run off in front of him.

As he looked back at his map he tried to refocus on his destination of the school office, but...

Even as he started walking again, he couldn't get that girl out of his mind. What was her name? Who was she? he thought to himself. Who was that cute girl with the fluffy hair?

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