Chapter 12

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Lyrica POV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I decided to take Grayson a bath, I washed him he now smells so good. I love that baby smell I put a fresh diaper and clothes and my baby boy is all clean and fresh an feed,now he's just a happy baby tugging my hair I was nibbling his little hand so he'll giggle but someone was knocking in the door.

I got up with Grayson on my hip and open the door there, stood my mate I have him a glare but open the door wider for him to come in, Jiro walks in but takes Grayson from my arms. "How's my boy?" bringing his face closer to Grayson the small baby giggles and lightly slaps his face Jiro genially laughs and kisses his cheek.

In their little father and son moment I wish Jiro was a different man, I wish he would be the mate I want and deserve, how I wish things went different. I wish I could believe Jiro can still be the mate I dream about. But I know I have to keep my guard up with him.

Jiro was rocking Grayson when he spoke up "Lyrica I have some things I want to discuss with you." I sat down on my bed "What kind of things?" Jiro comes and sits by me still holding on too Grayson, while stroking his hair he says "He looks just like me, my son looks just like me. I can't believe we have a baby, I have a baby with my mate."

What he said caught me off guard he said it with some much compassion and love, I almost forgot he wanted to tell me something. "He is a handsome maybe more then his father." I joked Jiro laughed "Yeah he is, my handsome boy." I clear my throat to get his attention, "So what did you want to tell me?"

Jiro takes a deep breathe "Lyrica I've messed up everything,soon I'll be leaving back to my pack. To prepare my role as Beta, and you are my mate, mine. You're here as too my son, what I'm saying is two things." what he was saying didn't make sense to me.

"What are those two things Jiro?" he kisses our son then turns looks straight into my eyes and says "I want us to be married this Saturday, we will be married. Second you pack your stuff and move to my pack to be with me so we can truly start out family." I was beyond shocked and speechless, and without warning Jiro hands Grayson to me gets off the bed and does the unthinkable.

He gets down on one knee and pulls a ring out "Lyrica,my amazing mate will you please marry me."

What girl wouldn't want her mate to marry her and take care of her hm, maybe someone like me! "Jiro what your asking me, is to soon. I'm sorry I can't move with you just yet." this sadden me I love him but he really hasn't fix his mistakes.

I turn to look at him and wish I didn't, Jiro was shaking Grayson begins to cry, "J-Jiro calm down please." I said softly to calm him to my surprise he did but still glared at me. "Lyrica I'm trying to do the right thing!" he gets off the bed and paces "I FUCKING WANT YOU! I WANT MY MATE AND SON!" I never heard him yelled I have admit it scared me.

"I went to your dad and got permission, so I am marrying you Lyrica! whether you like it or not!" I was trying to calm Grayson before speaking,when I knew it wouldn't work I called my mom. she walks in smiles sadly at me but takes Grayson. Jiro notices "Why is she taking him!" okay this is enough!

"Because Grayson doesn't deserve to be stress over this Jiro, he was crying so I had my mom take him." Jiro growl at me not like I care, I roll my eyes. "Stop it Jiro, you can't expect me to marry you after everything that happen! what you fucking did was heart breaking!" I sat in the bed I didn't feel like standing aha.

Jiro had other plans he pulls my legs, pulls me all the way at the edge of the bed, there he stands between my legs. Lays his body on me caging my hands in one of his hands. This man just loves doing this shit to me, kinky bastard!

"Lyrica it's done." I stop struggling and looked at him "What do you mean!" I snarled at him, he brings his face close to mine, his lips lightly grazing my lips. "I mean it's done, by Saturday you will be bound to me forever, and you'll be moving with me. It is by law I take what's mine, Lyrica, you are my mate,mother of my first born and many more to come. You're mine Lyrica I lost you once I will not lose you again!"

With that his lips crush down on my lips, his hands moving all over me one hand cups my sex moving his fingers against the ball of pleasure while his mouth devour mine. Jiro pulls away still rubbing his fingers on me "You are mine Lyrica and I don't think I can wait for our wedding night."

I need to calm down, that's what I need to do, calm down I tell myself but it doesn't help when your wolf has other plans. "Lyrica! what are you doing?! let us please our mate!" I growl at her "Be Quiet!" I yelled at her, I wonder who side is she really on.

"Jiro, stop it. Come on at least wait for out wedding night, for fuck's sake!" Jiro pulls his hand away from my pulsing sex organ and smiles at me. "I like you cursing, it sounds pretty hot coming from you." I rolled my eyes and try to get such luck.

"Seriously Jiro, you're making me marrying you and making me join your pack, do you see the unfairness in this?" he gives me that Are-You-Fucking-Insane-Look, "Lyrica it'll be your pack too, you're my mate it is your rightful place to be at my side. I want you and Grayson with me now, I can't bare the thought losing you."

I exhale from my nose, Jiro still on top of me..."Lyrica, I fucked up everything! I pushed you away, I made love to you and forgot you. You carried my son without my help or love and support, I wasn't there when Grayson was born and it kills me! Lyrica you can hate me now for this, but honestly I can't and won't lose you and Grayson, you are mine just as I am yours. Please understand I am trying." with that Jiro gets off me and helps me sit up.

Cupping my face "I will fix this all Lyrica, you're going to fall in love with me all over again. On Saturday you'll be bound to me forever, as my mate as my wife,mother of my children. I will make you happy that you won't regret it" his speech moved me that a couple of tears fell from my eyes, I felt happiness hearing this from him.

But he wasn't done, "I'll be a better father to Grayson and to the other children we have, I'll be there for them and love them unconditionally and protect them with all my heart, I will be the mate you want from me Lyrica I will rock your world babe, show you how much much I..I....I LOVE YOU! that's right Lyrica I fucking love you and I love loving you and our son!"

Jiro ends his speech but giving me the most mind blowing kiss he has ever given to me, and you know what, I return the kiss just as much as he. I know Jiro and I have a lot to work on but after knowing the truth from him, I know I won't regret this, this is what he wants and I. I love Jiro and finally he returns the feeling.

Our lips are moving together and it felt so right, his lips match mine we were meant to be. The way my body fit in his and how he fits in mine, the way his hands know where settle on me and make me feel alive, at this point tears of happiness were falling from my eyes.

Jiro was the first to pull away wiping my tears away "Why are you cry sweetheart?" is it something I said that you didn't like? please Lyrica I love you I'll fix it for you,please." I shook my head and a small giggle came out.

"No no, you misunderstood heard! I'm not sad these tears are happy ones! Jiro I was so scared you wouldn't grow up and be my mate and father to our son, I see now you're serious and I'm just so happy. I can't help myself." I said more tears falling.

Jiro smiled at me it was so tender and so affectionally that my heart was racing how he was looking at me, a blush rise and spread all around my cheeks and nose.

"Lyrica I'm serious, what I said was one hundred percent serious. Baby I love you and I will do everything to fix my behavior and actions, I promise. Now since I didn't do this right the first time I'll do it again."

Jiro pulls me off the bed standing right in front of me, cupping my face and giving me a quick kiss before getting down on one knee. "Lyrica, I put you through shit and honesty I don't deserve you, you gave me a beautiful son that I absolutely love. I'm sorry for what I did baby, and if you have me I'll fix it all for you. Lyrica will you be my wife?"

Seeing him on one knee now and confessing his feeling, there are no words on how happy I feel. I cupped his face kissing him long and hard before pulling away I whisper "Yes,yes Jiro."


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