Chapter 7

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Lyrica's POV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I stared some more, I couldn't help but stare. Zaara on the other hand didn't have trouble speaking, "Look at our mate, holding our pup," she said proudly. Seeing this made her happy, and for a second it felt like we were a real family. However, I knew, and she knew, that we were nowhere close to being a family. For a moment it felt good to pretend at least. Grayson was fast asleep in his father's arms, and Jiro didn't seem to mind one little bit. In fact, he looked like he was enjoying it, and then he looked up at the door and smiled. Suddenly, there was a knock on my door.

I opened the door to see Jiro's parents standing there. His mother grabbed me, and gave me a tight hug. "Oh honey, I am so glad you're here, and that you are okay. I can't believe you had a baby, we're so proud of you honey," she said, as she hugged me tighter. She was a little worried, so I asked, "Would you like to see him?" Lillian seem shocked, "It's a boy? What's his name?" I smiled and nodded, and a smile broke across her beautiful face. "His name is Grayson," I informed her, ushering her into the room. I turned to see beta Jonah, as I looked at him he pulled me in for a hug too. "Thank you Lyrica, for blessing my son with a son, and giving me a grandson. I am glad you're okay kiddo," I smiled and took him in the room too.

Jiro was now standing, looking at his parents, and growling lightly under his breath. I scowled at him and took Grayson from his arms. Jiro growled at me, which only made Zaara angry, because she was protecting her pup. I walked to Lillian and gave her Grayson. As soon as she held him, she started crying and smiling. Her mate came behind her and hugged her back. He also cradled the baby in his mate's arms, "Oh Lyrica, he is beautiful, he looks like Jiro when he was a baby." I laughed and agreed. "He has our family traits, a strong beta he will be," beta Jonah said. Zaara felt proud and so did I, our pup will be the future beta of the pack.

Grayson woke up and looked at his grandparents, and then giggled. His giggle made Lillian very happy. I was smiling, my Grayson was such a charmer. I came closer and said, "Grayson, say hi to your grandma and grandpa." He looked at them and smiled, holding Lillian's finger he put Jonah's thumb in his mouth. We all laughed, except Jiro, I mean yeah he was smiling, but it seemed that there was something bothering him. "Okay mom and dad, can I please talk to my mate alone with our pup," he asked a little harshly. His mother scowled and growled at him, "Jiro do not speak in such ways." His father agreed, "But he's right, come Lilly, we will see our grandson later." Lillian handed Grayson back to me, and then they walked out.

Grayson was searching for my breast, I knew that because he was nuzzling my chest. He does that when he's hungry. "Do you mind if I feed the baby while you talk," I asked. He nodded, and I opened my blouse, and pulled my bra off. The little pup was drinking, and I was running my fingers through his hair, loving the feeling. I looked up at Jiro, to see him staring intensly at my exposed nipples. I rolled my eyes, "What, you've never seen a nipple before, or a woman nursing a pup?" He growled and came closer. I growled back, "Jiro, I'm tired and hungry right now, so I don't want to deal with you. Plus I haven't seen my brother, or Molly, or their baby. So excuse me for not wanting to deal with my cheating mate right now." I looked up to see Jiro's eyes turn dark, great his wolf was emerging. I got up, fixed my top, and gently started to pat Grayson's back until he burped. When he did, I couldn't help but laugh, it was such a cute burp.

I walk towards to the door, when suddenly a hand slapped the door shut. His body was against me, trapping me, so I couldn't move. I turned to see Jiro, of course, "Lyrica, we need to talk about this! You're my mate, and you're carrying my pup, you're holding my pup! I demand we talk about this right now." I was mad now, "I just drove here! I am tired from waking up at night and packing our stuff. Plus, the drive was long! Do not tell me what to do right now! I am tired, and I want sleep. I want to get some food, so do us both a favor, and fuck off." I opened the door and slammed it in his face. The nerve of him! I heard Grayson move around in my arms, looking back at the door, and then back at me. "Oh no, you can't take your father's side right now." He looked at me again, and then back at the door. Damn it, I walked back to the door. "You're lucky your my son's father, or I wouldn't be doing this." I opened the door to see Jiro breaking the closet door, he paused when he saw me.

"What are you doing? Never mind, here take Grayson." I walked to Jiro, and he took Grayson before I could say anything else. "I need food, and you need time with him, after all you are his father. Since your a fucked up mate, you can at least be a good father." Jiro's head snapped up, and he looked sad. I didn't care, though, because he hurt me. "Lyrica..." Before he could say more, I put my hand up to stop him. "I don't want to hear it right now, Grayson wants to be with his daddy, and I won't take that from him." With that I walked out of the room.

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