Chapter Seven

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Me: HI!!!! Welcome back to Spitfire- Our Little Secret!

Blue Beetle: Don't you have Homework?

*Suddenly finds himself tied up by duct tape in the corner next to Robin*

Me: I know I updated already today, but I want to finish :1 Yeah, I know it's selfish, but I said I'd finish this story before any of my other stories, and now I really want to work on my BB x Terra story!!!!!! :( So....enjoy this chapter!

The glow of the light faded, and Nightwing found themselves standing in an abandoned alley. Well, abandoned that is, except for Bart and an unconscious Artemis.

"Artemis!" Nightwing cried, running to her side.

"I have no idea what happened, she just...dropped," Bart explained.

"Well, whatever brought us here seems to have a negative effect on pregnant women," Nightwing observed.

"Well, where did whatever brought us here bring us to?!?!?" Jaime asked.

"What? Time-traveling? You're crazy!" Bart and Nightwing stared at Jaime.

"Sorry," Blue apologized sheepishly, "Scarab talks telepathically. He says we've been transported back in time."

"Crash," Bart whispered.

Nightwing peeked out of the alleyway, "By the looks of it, we're in Gotham City, I recognize that movie theater," He pointed across the street.

Above the list of movies that were playing was the date: June eighteenth, 2016.

The wheels in Nightwing's mind began to turn. They were back in time. June eighteenth. This wasn't just a coincidence. Someone left that stone on purpose.

Artemis was beginning to come to.

"Bart no!" She cried and sat up.

"Shh shh," Nightwing went back to her, "You fainted. You and Bart went back to the past, and Jaime and I followed you."

"Where in the past?" She asked.

"Artemis, you need to stay calm when I tell you this. It's two days before Wally died. We're going to get him back."

Artemis froze, "What do we need to do?" She asked, just above a whisper.

"We can't take him right now, it would mess up the timestream. Plus, were gonna need him for a few more things before he dies," Blue pointed out.

"So the only thing we can do-" Impulse began.

"Is take him away the moment he dies," Nightwing finished.

They were all silent for a moment, and then Artemis spoke again.

"Bart, I need you to describe what the little stone looked like to you again."

"Um...I think my exact words were....a mask?" Bart said, more of a question than an answer.

Artemis nodded, "That's what I was afraid of," she muttered and stood up.

"Come on guys, we're going to see my dad."


Sportsmaster lived in a shack on the outskirts of Gotham city, one of the kinds that you would call "haunted" out of superstition.

Sportsmaster himself was still dealing with the fact that his daughter was alive, and working undercover after having been assumed "dead" for two months. There was a rapid knocking at the door, and he groaned as he stood up to answer.

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