Chapter Four

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"Okay, what about this one?" Zatanna asked, holding up a tiny pink dress.

"Okay, hold it, Zee," Artemis said, "I don't even know if it's a boy or a girl yet,"

"Besides, I thought we were here to pick out M'gann's wedding dress," Cassie said. Barbra looked over the rack where she was shifting through white fabrics and nodded.

Zatanna sighed, "I know, but I'm just so excited! What if she has speedster powers?"

"Then I'm going to go crazy," Artemis told her. All the girls laughed.

"Here, try this one," Karen threw another dress over the changing room door to M'gann.

"Oh! Accessories!" Cassie cried, studying a flower-shaped gem necklace encased in glass.

"Cassie, have you chosen your bridesmaid dress yet?" Raquel reminded her.

"A red one-strap dress from JVN by Jovani," Caddie said without blinking, nodding towards the dress hanging on M'gann's changing room door.

Barbra chose a simple yellow dress from Long Teng the went to her knees. Raquel decided on a pink number, and Zatanna picked a small blue dress.

"Artemis, what about you? Aren't you going to get a dress too?" Zatanna asked.

"Oh, I'll wear one of my old dresses." Artemis shrugged.

"You can't just wear any old thing!" M'gann told her, spinning around in the wedding dress she was modeling for her friends, "You're going to be my maid of honor!"

"Anything I can help with?" a saleslady asked.

"Yes," M'gann told her, "I'll take this dress and we need help finding a dress for my friend here." She gestured to Artemis.

The saleslady's face brightened, "I know just the thing!" She ran off and came back with a rolled-up dress. She sent Artemis into a stall and Artemis came out in an imperial-waist, emerald green gown with straps.

"That's amazing!" Cassie cried.

"We'll take it!" Zatanna told the saleslady enthusiastically.

The girls exited the store and began dancing through the mall towards the food court where they would meet the guys and order lunch.

M'gann sat next to Connor and he kissed her on the cheek. Zatanna sat on the left side of Nightwing and Artemis sat on his right.

"You doing okay?" Richard asked Artemis, putting an arm around Zatanna.

"I'm good," Artemis told him quickly before ordering a taco for lunch.

Suddenly, Artemis took notice of the song playing on the PA.

"Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true"

She stopped short and was again reminded of another memory.


"Mom, I'm going to the library to study. I'll pick up some dinner on my way home, okay?" It was about a week after Bart had arrived, and One week before Artemis went undercover. Nightwing had asked Artemis for her help th other day, and she had decided to spend some time with her mother over the weekend before she "died."

"That would be wonderful, Artemis," Paula Crock told her daughter from the living room, where she was reading a book.

I love you mom, Artemis thought as she closed the door.

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