Chapter 12

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I slowly open my eyes, to reveal bright white light. I go to cover my eyes, except my arms feel really heavy.

"Mia! You're finally awake!" a familiar voice rings out. I blink, before turning my head with difficulty to the side. Rachel is sitting beside my bed, and a little further along I see Mum.

"Mum!" I say, and she jumps, she must have been in deep thought, not realising I'm awake.

"Mia!" she says, and hugs me. I wince as she nudges my ankle. She steps back and doctors surround me.

"What's going on?" I say, confused. I have no memory of the day.

"We need to get you x-rayed to check if your ankle is broken," a doctor explains, and the memories of being beaten by Ellis and Racquelle come back. Wait until I get my hands on them!

They start to wheel my bed away, and I cry for my mum. "Please, let Mum come, I don't want to be alone!"

She runs up behind the doctors and says "She needs me, she can't stand to be alone."

"Alright," the doctor says, and I get a look at his face. His eyes are kind and full of sympathy.

I pass out again.

~after the x-ray

I open my eyes, and find myself in the same place as before. I try to cover my eyes again and find I can move my arms with relative ease. I then push myself into a sitting position, noticing how heavy my ankle feels.

"Mia!" my mum says, placing her hand on mine. She looks like she has been crying.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Your ankle is broken," she replies, and I look down to notice a red cast around it. I didn't realise a small fall could cause that much damage.

"It's fine, Mum! My ankle will heal," I say, 'At least Ellis and Racquelle will get their comeuppance.'

Kevin: 'Hey, Mia! Rachel just Mind-Messaged me saying you broken your ankle and that Racquelle Carter was the culprit!'

Me: 'Yeah, she dropped me after being caught by a teacher!'

I look around and see Rachel at the foot of my bed. She gives me a knowing look and I roll my eyes.

A doctor approaches my bed, holding something that I am unable to make out. When he gets closer, I realise they're crutches. I groan, I have to work harder to walk. At least, I can get out of PE.

"You can leave in the next few hours," he says, "You just need to regain your strength."

"I'm fine!" I say, "I just want to go home."

"If you're sure," the doctor says.

I move my legs and grab my crutches. I stand on my uninjured leg and support myself with the crutches. I start to walk only to realise it is a lot harder than it looks. I do a couple laps around the ward to get the hang of using them. At last, I am ready to go.

I turn to face my mum and she sees I am ready to go. She starts to leave, gesturing to follow her. I take bigger steps to keep up with her. We go through a maze of corridors, before finding the exit. I see Rachel walking alongside me.

"What happened after I passed out?" I ask.

"The nurse panicked, and looked for a pulse," she says.

"She thought I died?!" I say, in complete and utter shock.

"Yeah, anyway. Once she found a pulse, she went outside to get the paramedics. They came in and moved you onto a stretcher before heading back to the ambulance. They had a bit of problem there," Rachel says, before face-palming. "There was a load of kids from our school gathered around it wondering who was that badly injured. The Headteacher had to clear the crowd! I heard a lot of detentions were given!"

"Wow!" I say, before laughing. I calm down. "What happened to Ellis and Racquelle?"

"They were both given two week suspensions and their parents were called," she says, before sighing. "Ellis has strict parents and is in serious trouble. Last I heard, he has been grounded for three months with no electronics. However, Racquelle's parents are total pushovers, so she received no punishment."

"She will from me!" I say, with a dark look on my face. "I think it's time to reveal myself to her!"

"Just be careful," Rachel warned. "She is one of the school's biggest bullies for a reason."

"I'll do it in the Vocaloid World, no proof will be found then," I smirk.

At this point we reached the car so we ceased our discussion.

"Hey, Rachel, I'll give you a lift home and explain everything to your mum," my Mum says, "It is 6:00pm after all!"

"Oh, crud!" she says, "I completely forgot to call her, plus my battery is dead, so she's been unable to call me. She's going to kill me!"

"I'm sure she won't, as soon as she hears what happened!" I say, putting my hand on her shoulder as soon as I am in the car.

"Oh, Mia!" Mum says, "I'll be driving you to school until your ankle heals."

"Can Rachel come as well?" I ask.

"I don't see why not, she is your best friend after all," she says, and this is where I truly appreciate my mum.


A/N Sorry this is a short chapter, I got writer's block at the end and couldn't think of what else to write at the end.

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