Chapter 7

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I touch my band and I fall asleep. I wake up in the Vocaloid Communion Room and smile. This is my favourite place in the world. I take a proper look and a gasp escapes my lips.

In front of Lucy's personal computer is an old lady. I have never seen her before, and there is no Vocaloid that resembles her. She hears my gasp and turns around, giving me a shock. Across her forehead are large red letters that spell out 'TRESPASSER'.

"Who are you?! Where am I?!" she says, and she seems to have a bit of anger in her voice, which I find odd.

"I am in no position to answer that," I reply, as I walk to my computer to send a Mind-Message to Maryann. "I have questions for you! First of all, who are you?"

"I am called Lucy," she says, "Young lady, I want your name!"

"I have already told you, I won't be telling you my name. I don't know you! You could be dangerous!" I reply as I send my Mind-Message.

Me: 'Hey, Maryann! Quick question! Why is there an old lady in the Vocaloid World with TRESPASSER written across her forehead in large red letters?'

She replies immediately:

Maryann: 'That explains the strange Mind-Messages I have been receiving off Lucy, despite the fact she has lost her band.'

I take a quick look at Lucy's computer monitor and realise Maryann is right. There seems to be an argument. I quickly type out and send another Mind-Message:

Me: 'Well, I asked the lady her name and coincidentally she is also called Lucy. Can you explain the TRESPASSER written across her head.'

While I wait for Maryann's reply, I turn back to the lady.

"What were you doing?" she asks, sounding suspicious of me. I roll my eyes.

"None of your business," I reply, "How did you get here?"

"I don't know. Last thing I remember was falling asleep while gripping my wrist. Next thing you know, I'm here," she responds. That makes sense, however I need to make sure.

"Have you picked up a pink band from anywhere?" I ask.

"I was at the supermarket and as I was getting served by a lady with pink hair, terrible, by the way, never dye your hair. Anyway, as I was being served I noticed a pink band on the counter. I thought it was a free gift so I took it and dropped it in my bag," she replied and I nodded, seeing how it all added up. She continued, "I got home and had a good look at it, it was beautiful. I decided to wear it on my wrist, I thought it would look best there."

"That explains it," I said, almost to myself.

Ping! Maryann got back to me, I check my Mind-Messages.

Maryann: 'When people come to the Vocaloid World who aren't actual Vocaloid Actors, this happens: They appear as themselves with one main difference. Across their forehead, they get TRESPASSER written in big red letters. This makes it incredibly obvious to us that they aren't Vocaloid Actors. We are to take them to the Vocaloid Masters who will erase their memories of the place and send them home. They also give the band used back to the respective Vocaloid Actor.'

I breathe a sigh of relief, at least I know what to do now. I walk toward the old lady, and she shrinks back. That's understandable, I am a total stranger who refused to answer her questions.

"I won't hurt you, I am just going to take you to the people who will explain what is going on," I explained. It didn't ease her fears, instead she seemed to be more afraid. She rocked back and forth holding her head.

"Wake up, I need to wake up, this is all a dream," she says, shaking her head vigorously.

"I'm sorry, but this isn't a dream, just come with me. I promise I won't hurt you, I only hurt people in self-defence," I explain, keeping my voice steady and calm.

She hesitantly took my hand and I slowly made my way to the white circle on the floor where I will be able to teleport. She looks at it in fear, before reluctantly stepping inside.

I feel for the button on the wall. I feel a slight bump and press it hard. The light obscures our vision and I hear a whimper of fear beside me. I'm not surprised, this is so new to her and it must seem so unnatural.

The light fades and she sighs in relief before stiffening in shock, realising we are in an entirely different place to where we were before, despite not moving.

"What's going on, Mia?" the male Master asks. I step forward and gesture towards the woman.

"She came here due to Lucy's band. She mistakenly picked it up believing it was a free gift while she was shopping," I explain, as I stare straight towards his face. Due to the mysterious sunglasses I am unable to tell if I have eye contact with him.

"Right, I will sort this out," he said. "Leave her here, I will be able to deal with her."

I walk back towards the circle on the floor and noticed her face. Her eyes are wide with fear, and her mouth is open, though no sound is coming out. Probably too frightened to speak. I push her gently and she stepped forwards. I stand in the table and the female Master sends me back.

I fall like last time. I look up and feel mortified, Kevin is standing right there. 'What must he think of me, unable to keep my footing.'

I hear a laugh, and become even more embarrassed. I only just now feel confident in his presence, and all that is gone in one fell swoop.

I see a hand and realise he is helping me up. I grasp his hand, and he pulls me up with surprising strength.

"I feel so mortified, what must you think of me. Knowing I am unable to keep my balance," I say, looking down, my face reddening.

"Don't worry, it all happens to the best of us. I once fell down the stairs in front of the whole school," he says, and as I look up he cracks a grin. I can't help myself but laugh. "See, you can laugh at me like I can laugh at you."

He's right! He really boosted my confidence. I need to learn to laugh at myself more.

I go to the couch and sit down. He follows and puts his hand around my shoulder, I stiffen in shock before relaxing against him. My eyes droop and I fall asleep.

Vocaloid Actors (Book #1 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now