Chapter 8

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I wake up suddenly, my head jolting upwards. I am still in the Vocaloid Communion Room. Kevin is next to me, fast asleep. I must have fallen asleep against his shoulder. My face reddens just at the thought of it.

I identify the reason as to why I woke up. Rachel has just crashed into the sofa.

"What just happened?" I ask her. I notice her face and she is smirking.

"Well, I decided to come to the Vocaloid World at 4:00am and what do I see, but both of you asleep against each other," she starts, giving me a suggestive look, to which I roll my eyes and shake my head. "Well, whatever, I was too busy goggling at you two, I tripped and crashed against the sofa. Unfortunately, I woke you up. Luckily, lover-boy there is still asleep."

"It's 4:00am?!" I say, and check the clock in the corner. She's right, I been asleep against Kevin for six and a half hours! I blush even harder. "Why are you so interested in the relationship between me and Kevin?!"

"I had a shrewd idea it would happen right from the start and this confirms it," she says. "I think you two are soulmates."

"Soulmates?" I ask.

"Basically, there is one person you are destined to be with in the whole world. I believe Kevin is yours."

"Is that why you said 'Louis is the one'? Is it because you believe he is your soulmate?" I ask.

"Yeah!" she says, before her face reddens.

"Who is the love-struck one now?" I tease.

"It's not like that! I've known Louis for years, we were born on the same day and we live in the same town. I've known him for my whole life!" she says, her face becoming redder and redder. I am shocked. Three Vocaloid Actors live in the same town as me and I still never remembered.

"Plus, you two look exactly alike and have the same last name! Are you sure you aren't twins?!" I say, becoming suspicious.

"No! We have different parents, we pressured them for all the information they have, plus they have willingly had DNA tests. Both sets proved each pair were our parents. Trust me," she says. I do and yawn.

"I believe you, now I'm going home," I say, raising my wrist control.

"Not staying with lover-boy there," she says, nodding towards Kevin. He twitches before settling again.

"Rachel! I'm going home!" I say, pressing the 'go home' button before she can make another comment.

I wake up suddenly in the dark. That's odd, I usually stay asleep when I return. I realise what woke me up. There's a raging storm outside my window, and as I listen, I hear a long roll of thunder. Ugh, how am I supposed to sleep in this weather?!

I sigh, and try to get to sleep again but to no avail. The storm is too loud. I lay there in the dark, exhausted.

Kevin: 'Hey, woke up without you by my side, where are you?'

I guess this is one way to pass the night and message back.

Me: 'Back home, I couldn't handle Rachel going on about us.'

Kevin: 'I might do that myself, she's been terrible. I've been awake for two minutes and I believe I've heard at least ten suggestive comments off that girl. Considering I caught her asleep with Louis in the Vocaloid World more times than I can count.'

Me: 'Just leave the Vocaloid World, and Mind-Message me from bed.'

Kevin: 'I could do that, but I will just fall asleep. How are you awake?'

Me: 'There's a raging storm outside my window and I can't sleep.'

Kevin: 'Figures.'

Me: 'Well, just Mind-Message me from the Vocaloid World then. Just find a way to block out Rachel.'

Kevin: 'Easier said than done. Her voice is like a drill, boring into my mind.'

Me: 'Listen, she's been my best friend for four years. Ignoring her should work.'

Kevin: 'Hey, she just shut up. You were right, also you seem to be making a name for yourself.'

Me: 'What do you mean?'

Kevin: 'I just heard from the Vocaloid Masters that you helped them apprehend a trespasser! Well done, beautiful!'

I blush at his compliment before replying.

Me: 'It's no big deal. An old lady just made a mistake.'

Kevin: 'It is, most of us have never come across a trespasser before. I've been a Vocaloid Actor for eleven years and I've never seen a trespasser!'

Me: 'I guess, considering I've been back for two weeks.'

Kevin: 'Like I said, you're making a name for yourself!'

I smile. For the rest of the night, we exchanged Mind-Messages. In hindsight, this was a bad idea as I had school the following morning, but I couldn't get myself to end the conversation and go to sleep. Not like I could sleep, considering the weather outside.

In the morning, when my mum called me, I had to force myself to end the conversation with Kevin and actually get out of bed. My legs felt like lead and I had trouble keeping my eyes open. I mean, I usually feel tired in the morning, but this is even worse. I make my way to kitchen, stumbling every few steps. I grab my breakfast and sink into the couch.

"Mia! Will you wake up!"

Mum's sharp voice rang through my mind, as I awake suddenly. Huh, what happened?

"That's the second time you've fallen asleep over your breakfast this morning. Did you not get much sleep last night?"

I look in her direction. "Did you not hear the storm last night? It was impossible for me to sleep," I mumbled.

She sighed and said, "Well, you are just going to have to tough it out for one day." She then turned on the TV. The news channel came on.

"Many schools are closed today due to flooding caused by the massive storm last night," the news-caster read. I force my eyes open, and realise my school is one of the schools closed. 'Score, I can go back to bed! That is, if Mum will let me.' I think.

"Looks like you got lucky! Finish your breakfast, then I will let you go back to bed for a few hours," my Mum says. "You certainly look like you need the sleep!"

I finish my breakfast and trudge back to bed. I touch my band and fall asleep immediately.


A/N This was a bit of a filler chapter, as I know a load of action isn't the best thing. You see a bit of relationship growth between Mia and Kevin, and Rachel's true personality starts to shine through. The storm in this chapter refers to the real Storm Desmond that hit my town nearly three years ago. I was off school for two days.

Vocaloid Actors (Book #1 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now