Chapter 6

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~One week later

Me and Rachel are sitting on my bed, looking up funny Vocaloid videos. She has shown me the various Vocaloids that exist apart from the six main ones she mentioned when I was introduced back into the Vocaloid Actor community.

"So, that is Gumi and Gakupo?" I say, pointing to a green-haired female and a purple-haired male respectively.

"Yeah," Rachel says enthusiastically. 'She seems to be enjoying this more than she is letting on,' I think, judging by her wide smile.

My thoughts are interrupted with a Mind-Message from Kevin.

Kevin: 'What are you up to?'

I smile. He Mind-Messages me every day with the same question. He seems to really care for me. I Mind-Message back.

Me: 'Not much. Just looking up funny Vocaloid videos with Rachel. You seem to the butt of many jokes made in these videos.'

Kevin: 'Yeah, well Kaito is usually seen as the stupid one in the main six.'

He replied right away, which impresses me. Many guys take two weeks to reply to a text message. Note, they are quite different. Whatever.

Rachel notices my smile, and says, "Kevin Mind-Messaged you, didn't you?"

"What gives you that idea?!" I say, trying to hide a blush rising up on my cheeks.

"I seen you at the Vocaloid Communion Room. You are always hanging around him. The chemistry is crazy around you two love-birds."

"He's just a friend," I explain. 'Not that he would like a girl like me in that way,' I think, with a tiny pang of sadness.

"Mia!" rings out a booming voice. Christ, it's my Dad! He doesn't sound happy.

"What!" I say with the tiniest hint of an attitude in my voice.

"Get out here, now!" he sounds really angry.

"Stay here," I tell Rachel. "Let me just see what the old fart wants."

I step out of my room. My Dad is standing in the doorway between the kitchen and the hallway.

"I told you to empty the dishwasher when you got home!" he shouts.

"I forgot, alright. Rachel came over and I got distracted," I reply in a calm voice. I would be a fool to provoke him by shouting back.

"That's another thing! I might have to ban Rachel from coming over if she stops you doing your chores!" he shouts, getting angrier and angrier.

"You can't do that!" I shout, finally snapping. "She's my best friend!"

"Oh, yes, I can, young lady!" he rumbles.

I clench my fists and shout back. "No, you can't!"

"Mia, go to your room," Mum says, coming out of the bedroom to see the cause of the racket. "Hugh, into the kitchen."

I start to comply, however, Dad shouts me back.

"Don't you dare ignore me!" he shouts. Mum tries to diffuse the situation but it has gone too far.

"I'm not, I'm listening to Mum, which I suggest you do more of," I shout.

I knew instantly, I had gone too far. "HOW DARE YOU CRITICISE ME!" he shouts, looking quite demented.

"Go to your room, Mia! I will sort this out!" said Mum.

"But -" I start to say, but I get distracted as Rachel pulls me inside my room by my wrist. "Why did you pull me inside? I still have things to say to him."

"I suggest you listen to your mum and get out of there before things turn ugly. Which leads me to my next point," she says, and then she lifts my hands so I get a proper look at them.

I gasp at the sight that greeted me. My hands were glowing red. "What is this?" I ask Rachel.

"I didn't think I would have to explain this to you early on, but you lost your temper and in turn lost control," she starts. She pauses and takes another breath. "This is Vocaloid Actor magic. Another one of our abilities. I didn't tell you right from the start because I thought it would overwhelm you."

"M-Magic?!" I say, in surprise. This is so cool! All my life I have dreamt of having magical powers, and now I have them.

"Yes, you have had access to them for most of your life. You don't need your band to use them. You never seemed to have found them before, so you have never lost control like this before."

"Wow!" I say. 'I guess that was the worst argument I have ever had with Dad,' I think, 'I have never shouted like that before.'

"That is why I pulled you inside your room when I saw the glow. If you remained in a temper, you could have seriously injured your dad, even with how weak your powers are," she explained, and I understood now.

"What do you mean? My powers are weak? How could they be weak when I've had them my whole life?" I ask.

"Two reasons. First of all, you have only just realised you have powers and haven't had a chance to use them, secondly, no Vocaloid Actor can use the full force of their powers unless they are in Vocaloid Form."

"Vocaloid Form?" I ask.

"We need to be the Vocaloid, or for use of a better term, look like the Vocaloid to use the full force of our powers," she explained. "There is two ways to achieve this, use cosplay or what is the best way for you, transfiguration. We use magic to change your look to those of your Vocaloid. This is due to the fact of your hair. Yours is long, while Meiko's is short. Wigs don't work, it needs to be your actual hair."

"That explains your hair," I say, looking at Rachel's hair, short and very blonde like usual.

"You're a rare exception to the rule that all Vocaloid Actors must look almost exactly like the Vocaloids they portray. After Meiko's first Vocaloid Actor quit, the Vocaloid Masters were frantic, and desperately trying to find someone to replace her. They found you! You were younger and had shorter hair and were thin as a stick. They thought you were perfect."

"I see," I say.

"There is one more exception to this rule, and that is the Vocaloid Actor for Rana," she says.

"That's the pink haired Vocaloid with the plaits, right?" I say.

"Exactly," she says. "They wanted a young girl as they would be able to play her the longest. Well, their choices were limited. Where are you going to find a school-age girl with pink hair usually in plaits? They chose a girl with temporary pink hair who always wears her hair in plaits."

"Who is she?" I ask, not having yet encountered this Vocaloid Actor in the Vocaloid World.

"You already know her, she is in our year and in our school," she says.

"Who is it? I don't remember seeing any girl in our school with a pale pink band around her wrist." I say, desperate to know.

"Racquelle Carter," she says, and I groan.

"Not her, seriously?" I say in disappointment. 'Of course my biggest enemy is also a Vocaloid Actor.'

"Yeah, her," Rachel says, grimacing. "She doesn't usually wear her band, as her Vocaloid is not very popular. She knows I'm the Vocaloid Actor for Rin. Since you usually hide your band under your sleeve, she doesn't know you are a Vocaloid Actor yet."

"I suggest not revealing it any time soon," I say, a dark look evident on my face.


A/N so I introduced Vocaloid Magic, this will just be Harry Potter magic as I am too lazy to make up my own magical language.

A/N #2 Mia and Racquelle are based off me and my worst enemy, but I won't be revealing names. This means my writing may be biased towards Racquelle.

Vocaloid Actors (Book #1 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now